Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"I was born a vampire, so I didn't go through the things turned vampires went through," he started. Just from that one sentence I already want to ask two questions but I kept my mouth shut and tried to make a mental note to ask him those later.

"I was born around the late 1800s, I'm not sure on the exact date. Since I'm immortal it didn't really make sense for me to keep track about how long I've lived here since I would continue to live here," he paused, "unless I'm killed or something but that's beside the point."

"Back then, the world was very much different. Back then....everyone knew vampires existed."

I had to interrupt him. "Seriously?! Why don't they now? What happened? Wait, oh my god please tell me some vampire agent did not go around killing everyone," I said, getting a creepy feeling in my stomach.

Layton chuckled, making vibrations run through my back, which wasn't really helping either of our situations since I was still leaning against him.

"No, no one killed the entire human species. I'll get to that later but first I want to tell you about my real family and some more history that was forgotten by force," he told me. "Back in the 1600s or something, I don't know I didn't listen to the history facts my dad was trying to tell me, there was a war between the  vampires and the humans to see who would rule the earth or something. As expected, the humans lost."

It was weird how Layton could sound like he knows what he's talking about, but at the same time sound like he's trying to remember something that he doesn't.

"Because the humans lost, vampires started to take over. The system there was like the medieval days. You have your royal family, otherwise the strongest and wisest vampire family. Then you have the workers there, most of them were human slaves. Everyone there was either a citizen or a peasant. No in between. You either are part of the royal family, slaves, or poor peasants."

I was dying to ask him questions but I tried to keep it inside.

"Looking back at it, it wasn't exactly a world I would want to experience as a peasant."

"Why not?" I couldn't help but ask. 

"Think about it. If you were a human there, you were either waiting for a vampire to come and suck the blood out of you, or you were waiting for the royal family to kidnap you off the streets and be forced to work for them. There were no laws that stopped that from happening," he explained.

"Life was a vampire peasant wasn't any better either. You were always starving because you either had morals to not kill a human, or simply don't want to do the work, or you were drinking animal blood, which tastes really gross and stale."

"So what were you?" I wondered.

He was silent for a few seconds and I thought for a moment that maybe I had stepped over a line. "I was the youngest member of the royal family."

I kept my mouth shut but inside I was yelling at him to tell me more.

"First you had my mother and father, the queen and king of Bathum, which was what we called South America and the lower part of Central America at the time. They were soulmates, which is another thing, you can only be married to your soulmates, that's one of the only laws there that I tolerate since the others were useless and awful, although I don't blame my parents, times were different."

"Then there was my older brother Drew. His story with his soulmate is interesting and I'll tell you about it later. He may seem like a hardass, and he is usually, but he has a soft spot for people he cares about, which he'll never admit." I quietly laughed on the inside since the description about Drew sounded a lot like what Layton would be.

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