No Sense In Leaving

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Chapter Thirteen

***Dalian's POV***


I looked up at the person in front of me. He had a dark smirk on his face. My guard immediately went up.

"No, you're mistaken. I'm not Emily."

The man moved closer to me.

"Hmmm..another doppelgänger in Mystic Falls?"

I didn't say anything as he walked around me.

"Forgive me, I didn't introduce myself, love. I'm Klaus Mikaelson."

He held out his hand for me to shake, cautiously I took it.

"I'm Dalian Bennett."

"Hmm...good to meet you.You’ll see me around soon enough."

He said and then sped away. When I was sure that he was gone, I soon returned to my normal state of relaxation.

I walked around the park for a few more minutes before deciding to return home. I didn't feel very safe knowing that Klaus was there, whoever he was. He gave me a very uneasy feeling.

When I walked in I was expecting Bonnie to be in the living room waiting, but instead it was just Elena.

"Dally! Where were you? Bonnie went out looking for you!"

"Sorry, I was just taking a walk. Got kinda tired of working on my paper."

She nodded and I assumed that she was just going to leave it at that, but I was sadly mistaken when she started to bring up yet another point.

“Damon was here when we left…”

I gave her a glare.

“Yes.. and?”

She folded her arms and glared back at me.

“You know Bonnie wouldn’t want you seeing him.”

“Whoa, Elena! Who said anything about seeing him?”

“I can see it. I know that you guys are more than just friends.”

I chuckled and shook my head.

“Damon is only interested in himself. I couldn’t be with someone like that. He could never really love me because he would let his pride and ego get in the way.”

Elena didn't believe my little speech, but it definitely kept her at bay for a while. Honestly, I didn’t even believe it. How could I when Damon and I were clearly falling for each other?

I sighed as I heard the door opening knowing that it was Bonnie.

“Dally, you had me worried sick! Where were you?”

“I went for a walk! I can’t always stay in the house!” I snapped at her, not caring what she had to say.

I had finally had enough of Bonnie controlling me.

“You could have been hurt! You could have been killed! You couldn’t even defend yourself!”

I scoffed and started to stomp up the stairs.

“I’m more in control of my powers than you will ever be! You’re just jealous, Bonnie! And for what? Over a little bit of power? If it was possible, I would have gladly given you mine then maybe I wouldn’t have even met you and trust me, I would love to have the satisfaction of not knowing you!”

Bonnie looked shocked at my outburst and I was too. I wouldn’t normally have been so cruel to my sister, but at that moment, I believed that she deserved it. There was so much anger and hatred built up inside of me and I had to let it out.

“I’m glad that the feeling is mutual!” Bonnie yelled back as I was packing my bags.

I couldn’t stay there anymore, I had to get out and leave. I didn’t know where I was going, but any place was better than there.

“Dally, where are you going? Bonnie, you can’t let her go!” Elena shouted at us.

“Let her leave. I don’t care anymore.”

Grabbing my bag and swinging it over my shoulder, I left the house, no longer under Bonnie tyranny.

I hadn’t been walking very long before I felt a rush of wind surround me.

“What’s wrong, love? No where to go?” I heard a familiar voice say.

Klaus was in front of me for the second time that day.

“Uh… n-no, I’m just going to a friend’s house,” I lied.

If there was ever a time that I shouldn’t have been talking to strangers, this was it.

“All alone?”

“Yes, her house isn’t very far. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be on my way.” I managed to choke out and then walking at an unbelievable fast pace.

I screamed when I felt Klaus’ hands grab my arms. Instinctively, my body sent out a spark that caused him to release me. Attempting to run away from a vampire wasn’t a very good idea either, seeing as though he soon caught me and I was once again in his arms.

“Can’t let you do that.”

His hand was a round my throat cutting off my airwaves and I slowly began to lose consciousness.

Damon’s voice screaming my name was the last thing I heard before it all went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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