Run Until You Disappear

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Chapter Three

Sunlight poured into my window.

"Dally!"I heard Elena and Bonnie yell.

I rolled over and fell out of bed,banging my head against a nearby nightstand in the process.

"Dally,are you okay?"Elena asked slightly laughing.

"Yeah,totally."I said sarcastically.

"Then get dressed we have places to go and people to meet."

***15 Minutes Later***

"I'm ready!"I yelled walking down the stairs.

"That was fast!"Bonnie commented.

"Boarding school magic."I responded as we walked outside to the car.


"There's someone we want you to meet."

The car stopped outside of a beautiful Victorian style house. The walk to the door seemed to last three hours in Dalian time. It was like I was walking to my death sentence. Elena quickly unlocked the door and motioned for us to come in.

"Stefan!"she called

Someone started walking down the stairs and at that moment I got a horrible overwhelming feeling,it was like death. Actually,it was a seemingly normal guy that looked to be about the age of seventeen.

"Is he here,Stefan?"Elena asked him.

"No,he left."said the guy who was obviously Elena's boyfriend.

Elena and Bonnie both sighed in relief.

"That's great. Stefan,this is Dally,my sister."Bonnie said.

"Nice to meet you,"I said smiling.

When I shook his hand,I got the same horrible feeling,only this time it was darker and colder. My reflexes instantly forced me to pull away.

"'s just.."

"You got a cold,dark feeling?"he asked

I nodded.

"Of course,you did. I'm a vampire,but I'm guessing Elena told you.."

",this is the weirdest conversation that I've ever had..."

"They will probably get worse."Bonnie said.

Stefan stared at me for a while and I gave him a questioning look.

"I'm just...look exactly like Emily. Are you her doppelganger?"

I nodded. The conversation was just starting to become normal and then we heard a voice.

"Stefan!"a voice called.

"It's Damon. We have to get Dally out of here."Elena said as she and Bonnie pushed me towards the back door.

"It was nice meeting you,Stefan."I said being rushed out of the door.

***Damon's POV***

"Stefan,was Elena just here?"I asked.

"Yeah,she just left."

"Was she with Bonnie?"


"And who else?"

"No one."he was lying.

"You're a liar. I saw them sneaking out the back door."I said and then waited for an answer,but I never got one."Okay,Stefan you can cover it up,but I will find out."

***Dally's POV***

"Day one and I'm already running from someone."

"That someone isn't just anyone,it's Damon,Stefan's brother.He could kill you in an instant and actually has the nerve to it in front of loved ones."Elena said.

"So stay away from him!"My sister warned.

I shrugged off my other questions and went on to another one.

"Anyway,where to next?"

"Mystic Grill."


Sorry this chapter and all of the past ones were a little short. I write in a notebook and it looks like a lot until you type it :/

I'll keep updating on new stuff,message me if you have questions or want to request something new ^_^

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