I'm Not Asian

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Luke's POV:

"Need help?" I turned my attention from what I was doing and turned my attention towards the voice, to see a heavily pregnant Ashton standing in the doorway. I smiled and put down the paint roller, I was working on getting the nursery done before the baby gets here, which is only in a few weeks.

"What are you doing in here, it's dangerous for you to breathe in the paint fumes."

"I know but I'm just so tired of sitting in bed all day, I want to help."

"You can help by getting Calum and Michael, I need someone to help me move the dresser against that wall. Where are they anyways?"

He rolled his eyes playfully, "I don't know, probably fucking around like usual. Last I saw of them was when they went out to take ketchup for a walk," he said putting quotations around walk.

"That sounds about right," I laughed, "Could you go find them please?"

"What's wrong with me? I can help you move it, it shouldn't be too difficult"

I scoffed, "Ash, you're eight and a half months pregnant, no heavy lifting for you. Just please go get them."

He sighed and mumbled a 'fine'. "I love you!" I said as he waddled out of the room, while giving me the finger on the way out.

I laughed and went back to painting. I was interrupted again moments later by my phone vibrating in my pocket, I pulled it out and looked at the message. It was from Heather, the girl I met at the party the last time.

"Hey Luke, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and finish what we started last time." -Heather xx

I was about the reply back when I heard footsteps up the stairs so I quickly slipped my phone back in my pocket.

Calum walked in followed by Michael, "What are you talking about, I can beat you at FIFA any day"

"Oh sorry Calum, I can't hear you over the size of your ego" Michael retorted. I tried to hold in my laugher, watching the two argue, "Can you guys stop fighting for like 5 minutes so you can help me finish this room? I want to get it done today."

"Fine, what do you need help with?" Calum asked, stepping father into the room. I put my paint brush down and wiped my hands off on my shorts.

"That dresser," I said pointing to the long white dresser sitting in the middle of the room, "I need help moving it against that wall since it's dry."

They nodded and got on both sides of the dresser, picking it up and setting it down where I pointed against the light pink wall.


"Can I open my eyes yet?" Ashton asked as I lead him into the completed nursery.

"You can open your eyes."


Ashton's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. Tears welled up in my eyes just think that in a couple weeks, our little girl will be sleeping in this room.

I felt strong arms wrap around my torso, I jumped a bit at the feeling of being touched but then placed my hands over Luke's, intertwining our fingers.

"Do you like it?"

"Luke this is amazing, I can't believe you did this all on your own" I exclaimed, he giggled a bit, "I can't take all the credit, I did get some help from Michael and Calum, well mainly Michael, but Calum helped some."

I was about to say something but I was interrupted by fits of laughter and then Michael running in, "Look what I just found on vine!" He held up the phone for both of us to see and pressed play in the video.

"Michael, fist me with an icicle."

"Ashton, would he fuck me? Ask him."

"Luke, I'll get your poop."

"Calum.... You're asian."

(A/n this was a vine by Alex Ramos, I didn't make this up!)

I was disgusted but at the same time it was one of the funniest things I've seen so I couldn't help but laugh and I guess Luke found it funny to because he was laughing hysterically.

Calum came in looking confused, probably because of the fact that Luke and Michael were practically rolling on the ground laughing. He raised an eyebrow at me and I shook my head.

"Calum you have to see this!" Michael said, getting up and holding his phone out to him, playing the video over again.

"Why the hell does everyone think I'm Asian?! I'm not Asian, haven't I made that clear?" Calum asked but I could see the smile on his face and we all began laughing again, until Luke's phone started to buzz. He looked the at the screen, getting up.

"I uh- I'll be right back," he said, walking out if the room.


Hey guys I just want to start off saying I'm so sorry for not updating in so long. I just haven't really felt like writing lately, honestly I had to force myself to finish this chapter because that's how much I love you guys!

I also want to thank everyone who reads, votes and comments on my story. A Drop in the Ocean is at over 1.5 votes, I never even thought I'd get 10 votes let alone over a thousand, this is just unbelievable. Thank you everyone who votes and comments, I could be having the worst day ever but then I just look at one of the comments and it makes me smile so thank you.

This story has been nominated for the lashton awards and it would mean the world to me if you guys voted for me, just follow @5soslashtonawards and comment "A Drop in the Ocean" on "Up and Coming". I will try to update as soon as I can and I want to try this thing for every chapter I pick my favorite comment and dedicate the next chapter to you so please comment what you think! Even if you hated it comment how much you hate me and my story :)

Okay wait last thing, that vine was by Alex Ramos who is hilarious by the way and he loves 5sos so he's cool. This was a really long authors note I'm sorry!

Ps... You guys are the best readers in the world just saying.

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