Chapter 3 Is there ever a Challenge

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When the soldiers went into the first building I flew above the second building, gave Carly control of the dropship. Lowered the gate grabbed my wingman and dropped out.

As soon as I hit the ground I hit my cloak and ran towards the building. I threw a pulse blade and all the enemies were spotted in orange on my HUD. I ran towards the nearest window and Jumped through it my knife at the ready.

My cloak deactivated before I entered the window, so the nearest guy spotted me. Before he could say anything I stabbed him in the throat killing him. Another one comes up and tried to hit me, but I grabbed his leg and used him as a meat shield from his buddies bullets. As soon as the third guy started to reload I used my grappling hook on him and pulled him towards me as he was reloading. He didn't even have a chance as I punched him in the head hard enough that he lost his rifle and rendered him unconscious.

I grabbed his rifle in the air and charged towards the nearest group of enemies. They were coming towards me due to the third guy shooting. I mowed them down and carried on towards the first bomb. Someone tried to stop me by grabbing the rifle, but I just dropped it and used my jump kit to knee him in the head so hard he felt it through his biohazard suit. Using my wingman I dropped every enemy I saw. Two shots to the chest or one to the head.

I cleared the rooms around the first bomb before I ran to it and grabbed my knife. I popped open the control box, jammed my knife into a USB port and wanted a few seconds before the bomb was disarmed. I sent out a second pulse blade and saw a large number of enemies in defense of the second bomb. Even Grunts are tougher than these guys.

I saw one on his own and approached him. He was breathing heavy and had lights on his suit. A quick scan and my HUD displayed him as a bomber. I activated my cloak and snuck up on him. Using my knife I slit his throat and deactivated the bomb. I simultaneously uncloaked and grabbed his rifle scaring him. I'm pretty sure he soiled himself when he tried to blow himself up and it didn't work.

I quickly spun him around and used his rifle to snap his neck. Carrying on to the second bomb I threw a Gravity Star in the doorway pulling all of the enemies into one pile, and in a matter of seconds, I had killed or wounded all of them. The few that weren't killed were finished off by the Star.

Deactivating the second bomb I look around for anything that can give me insight as to who these guys are, and what they're doing here. My initial search of their bodies found nothing, but after running a scan, I found a camera on the bomb. I was able to trace it's signal to the other building. Time to introduce myself.

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