Chapter 2 A 'Warm' Welcome

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I activated the cloak on the ship as I entered the atmosphere, even though those cloak drones are annoying, they do have their uses. Well, their scrap does.

I set a course and double checked my straps as the outside world was lit on fire. No matter how many times I've dropped from orbit, it is still scary and beautiful to watch the colors of fire spark around you as your entering a planet's atmosphere.

Five minutes of watching the dance in front of me the flames die away and I take control of the ship and fly around. I see a small town in front of me and my scanners indicate that there is a toxin in the area. Doing a further scan it appears to be originating from a school campus. Knowing the dangers and horrors of chemicals attacks all too well, I sent a scan to detect any survivors and/or the cause.

I didn't have to wait long as within a minute the scan came back with Intel. There are two lines of humans. The one inside the buildings on campus and another with heavy losses outside. The ones inside two of the buildings had four containers of the toxin crudely strapped together to form a bomb. I watched as a helicopter landed and five people repelled down to the ground. They went into one of the buildings, but it appears as they do not know about the other two bombs in the second building.

And as the saying goes, there's no better way to make friends than helping someone out.


Six sent us on a mission to Bently University. The White mask is trying the same thing they did with Bartlett a few years ago. The team consisted of Ash, Glaz, Twitch, Dokkaebi, and myself. We repelled down from the helicopter and entered the building. We made our day through the building Ask taking the lead, Glaz watching our backs, and me looking for the bombs or any traps.

We progressed in silence. It was occasionally interrupted by gunfire, though it was brief. None of us spoke to each other except to say "C4 over here" or "Room's clear". We made it to the first bomb and set up expecting a wave of enemies to rush us, but they never came. Dokkaebi used her logic bomb to see if we were going to be ambushed before we entered the room with the final bomb.

We heard nothing so we continued on our way. When we entered the room we saw a laptop on a desk. Expecting a trap the others set up the defense while I carefully approached the desk. I used my specter to see if there were any traps on it, but only the computer had a signature. What I saw scared me and the others when I showed them

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