Chapter 1

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This is my first Fanfic, and the first story I've ever written, so please read it and comment by telling me what you think. Thanks!

The story, the storyline, the plot and all the characters belong to me, besides Justin Bieber, Scooter Braun, Alfredo Flores, Ryan Good, or anyone else affilated with Island Def, or Justin's crew. This story is a pure creation of my mind, and any resemblance to a real life event or people, is entirely a coincidence. 

Btw! I'm attempting to edit this story a bit at the moment, but since I'm currently writing the sequel (which will be much better in terms of writing skills, and and errors, and storyline) I have limited time! 

Anyways, the sequel is also in my works :)

My writing skills have improved quite a bit from the first chapter of this story, leading to the sequel of this story, so please read on and tell me what you think xo

If you want to see any of Jasmine's outfits (I didn't make every outfit from every chapter, I only chose a select few that were confusing to describe, or I just felt like making) you can visit my polyvore profile:


Jasmine's POV:

"Would you mind hurrying up? Your audition is in less than an hour!" 

Hearing the voice calling me from downstairs, I stepped back and stared into the full length mirror. I blocked out the urging demands from my mother and tried to keep my breathing at a steady pace instead.

I felt my stomach churn, as I clutched it and sat down on my plush bed. 

"Keep calm Jasmine. It's just an audition right"  I tried reassuring myself , running my hands through my hair constantly tugging at the ends. 

"Yeah whatever, just an audtion for Island Def Jam, no big deal right?"  I sarcastically countered back to my thoughts.

My attempts to keep my self sane at this moment failed. My heart could be heard beating from the other side of the house. Obviously I couldn't calm down. Not when I had an audtition in less than an hour. Audtions for Island Def.

Just a couple months ago, they had announced their search for another young teen. Preferably a canadian, and surely to be a female. From all the sucess they'd recieved from Justin Bieber, they had decided to venture out for a female to help with their growing name. And today were my auditions. They were being held privately and not many knew about the whereabouts. Not just anyone was allowed to audtion- you needed experience and an agent. 

When I heard about these audtions I knew instantly that I needed to try it out. Singing was something I enjoyed more than anything else. I went to an arts highschool, specifically for a singing program, and I usually did a few gigs here and there at local diners and festivals. My father being an agent and a producer was the key reason as to why I got such a previledge. 

Now only if I didn't mess this up. 

I groaned out loud at the reminder of a mistake and how big of an opportunity it could cost me. Getting back up on my feet, I began pacing, back and forth repeating my song lyrics making sure they were engraved in my mind. 

"No room for mistakes," I silently repeated to myself. 

I shot a glance back up into the mirror and sighed once more. My hair fell to just below my belly button, a medium brown colour- sort of the colour of my eyes. My eyes were a very light hazel-brown which stood out against my somewhat pale skin. I stood tall, at 5'7", having a slim body. 

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