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» For My Favourite Husband «

Namjoon and Jin walked down the sidewalk with Taehyung skipping infront of them.

They both finally figured out who "dada" was and who "daddy" was to Taehyung.

They entered a jewelry store, Jin picked up Taehyung so he couldn't break anything.

"Hello, how can I help you gentlemen today?" An elderly lady asked as she greeted Jin and Namjoon.

"Hi, we're looking for wedding bands." Namjoon replied.

"Right this way." She said, leading the men over to a desk. She went around to the other side while Namjoon and Jin sat on the stools provided. "So you two are getting married?"

"Yes." Jin replied, smiling.

"Congratulations." She said, pulling out palettes of rings. "What type of rings are you looking for today?"

"Sterling silver preferably." Namjoon responded. The lady nodded and moved a palette forward, rows of silver rings shone with the sun through the window.

"I want that one!" Tae exclaimed pointing at one with swirls on it. The lady smiled at him.

"What about this one?" Jin suggested pointing to a silver ring with a single small diamond in the centre.

"I like that." He replied, earning a smirk from Jin.

Jin tried the ring on and felt something magical.

"I think I like this one," Namjoon said, pointing to a plain silver ring, "it's subtle."

"I can't believe we just spent four-thousand dollars on wedding bands for our fake marriage." Jin laughed, Namjoon joined in after a while.

"I mean, it won't be exactly fake. We'll be legally married." He replied earning a smile from Jin.

"So when are we actually getting married?"

"Right now." Namjoon finished, turning down a small path with trees, "down here is the court house."

"Oh." Jin replied, "Now I'm nervous."

"Don't be, you're marrying me."

"Oh." He paused, "How unfortunate."

"Hey!" Namjoon began, "I'm the top bachelor in Korea at the moment, right Tae?"

"Yeah! Daddy is handsome, nice, and he has really cute pimples when he smiles." Taehyung said.

"Tae," Jin burst into laughter, "I think you mean he has cute dimples."

"Oh." He paused, "Yeah those."

"By the power invested in me by the city of Seoul, South Korea, I now pronounce you married."

Jin and Namjoon kissed quickly before slipping the rings on.

They walked out of the court house, there hands awkwardly intertwined while Taehyung slipped forward.

"Relax a bit." Namjoon whispered, "Your grip is way too tight, loosen it. This isn't going to be easy. The easiest part will be holding my hand and remembering to blink and breath."

"Okay." Jin sighed, a shy smile spread across his face as he looked forward to watch his son run infront of him and his new husband.

"Now lets get Jimin back."

Singularity... what the actual f*ck?
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