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» There Were No More Bandaids «

"Dammit." Namjoon mumbled as Jimin wailed on the bathroom counter, he'd tripped on the rug and got a nasty rug burn.

There was a knock on the front door, both startling and calming Namjoon, maybe Jin has a bandaid.

He raced to the door and opened it to see Jin and Taehyung standing at the door with bags.

"Hey Ji-"

"DADDY!" Jimin screamed from the bathroom. Taehyung tried to peak around Namjoon before following Jin in.

"He fell and got rug burned." Namjoon stated. Jin only smiled before placing his bags down and swiftly entering the bathroom, shutting the door and leaving Tae and Namjoon to their own business.

"What happened to Jiminie?" Taehyung asked with a frown.

"He got a boo-boo." Namjoon replied as Tae crawled up next to him.

"Oh." The toddler said. "I'm hungry."

"I have fruit, we can have some and make some for Jimin to make him feel better."


Namjoon stood up and Taehyung followed him as they made their way into the kitchen.

"I have, Strawberries, Blueberries, and Bananas." Namjoon said as he looked down at Taehyung.

"All of them!" He yelled excitedly and Namjoon ruffled the boy's hair before taking out the fruit. "Can I help?"

"Sure, do you want to peel the bananas?" Namjoon asked the child nodded quickly.

Taehyung peeled the bananas before putting them on a plate for Namjoon to chop.

The bathroom door opened with a click before Jin emerged with Jimin in his arms, multiple Hello Kitty bandaids covered his knees.

"Daddy~" Jimin whined. Namjoon placed down the knife he was using and switched places with Jin.

"Were you a big boy?" Namjoon asked as the toddler's mood took an instant boost.

"Jinnie gave my boo-boos a bunch of kisses, like, l-like this big!" He stated while throwing his hands up.

"Lucky!" Taehyung whined, making Jin pick his own son up.

"You were helping out here though, you were being a big boy too Tae." Jin stated as he kissed his sons cheek.

"Joonie said we could make fruit for Jiminie to make him feel better."

Jimin giggled before Namjoon and Jin made eye contact and silently thanked the other.

Both the boys were passed out in the back of Jin's car. Namjoon's mind kept wandering back to the fact that they both had cars yet they met in the backseat of a taxi cab on a rainy night in Seoul.

"Jimin really likes you." Namjoon stated, Jin looked over at the man.

"I can tell, Tae likes you a lot as well." He paused, "I can't believe it's only been a month. I feel like we've been friends forever."

"I know, and the fact that we met in a taxi of all places." Namjoon replied earning a chuckle from Jin.

The two made small talk before turning down a dirt road into a forest.

"It's in a secluded area so the cell service isn't great." Jin stated, Namjoon hummed.

"That's fine, I'd rather not be on my phone." He paused, "You know, to enjoy the view."

He earned another chuckle from Jin before he parked front of a large cabin.

"Tae Tae~" Jin cooed as Taehyung's eyes slowly opened. What Namjoon thought was a calm child waking up soon turned into:

"Jiminie Jiminie!" He yelled excitedly, waking up the other who whined sightly.

Both Namjoon and Jin got out of the vehicle. Jin brought the boys inside while Namjoon got the bags from the trunk.

"Daddy!" Jimin yelled as Namjoon dropped the bags in the foyer of the house. "Taehyung is sharing his dinosaurs with me." He stated as he stood in Namjoon's arms, showing him the small green dinosaur.

"Isn't Tae Tae nice?" Namjoon asked while Jimin smiled shyly and nodded before Taehyung ran over to the two.

"Come play with me Jiminie. We can go into the garden!" He sang as he pulled on the small hand.

Jimin giggled as Tae dragged him off somewhere sunny in the back.

"Hey Joon?" Jin called from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" Namjoon replied as he got up and entered the kitchen. His eyes were met with the view of Jin's back, moving forward to pick a fluff off the mans shirt.

Oh.. my.. god.. Namjoon thought as he was inches away from Jin's face. The man had turned around before Namjoon could pull off the fluff, causing them to be only inches apart at the moment.

"Uh," Jin huffed, Namjoon chuckled awkwardly before falling backward to the wood floor. "Oh my– Namjoon I-I'm so–"

"Uh-Oh," Jimin squeaked, "Taehyung~" He whined.

Namjoon grunted in pain before hearing Jimin sniffle. "I'm fine Ji–"

"Daddy's hurt~!" He sobbed. Jin quickly got to his feet and scooped the boy up.

"Shh it's okay Jimin." He cooed while stroking the boys hair, "Daddy's okay, look." Jin said pointing at Namjoon who was now sitting up.

Taehyung slowly moved into Namjoon's lap, leaning his head on the mans chest and sighing.

"I'm sorry Joonie~" he cooed, wrapping his small arms around the mans torso.

"It's okay Tae Tae I'm okay."

"See Jimin? Jin whispered into the toddlers ear, "Daddy's okay."

"I'm fine Jimin, right Tae?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung nodded before standing up cautiously.

"Let's go play Jiminie, Daddy is okay."

Daddy, Taehyung just called me Daddy.

Jimin jumped out of Jin's hands before running off with Taehyung.

"Did he just–" Jin began but stopped.

"H-he did." Namjoon replied looking up at Jin, a wide smile played his face as he laughed, before getting up and squeezing Jin in a hug.

He called me Daddy.

Smh I'm so dissapointed, BTS isn't coming to my city and that's like twenty-eight boo-boo's combined.

Anyway, V + C.


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