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» I forgot to close the curtains «

Jin turned over to look at Tae, only to find out that he wasn't there.

Jin sighed, he knew Tae was probably eating cereal and watching cartoons on the couch. Though, he missed waking up next to someone.

He wanted to wake up next to someone, maybe to some people a two year old wasn't enough.

But to Jin, Taehyung was enough.

He was more than enough.

He decided to get up to look for him, while not disturbing Namjoon and Jimin.

Jin swiftly covered ground in the cabin, checking every possible place he had knowledge of Taehyung hiding in the past.


Well, there's one more place.. he thought as he crept into the kitchen to look under the sink.


Jin was beginning to get worried, it had been thirty minutes. He had checked too many places.

The garden.

The living room.

The car.

The oven.

Under the bed.

In the shower.

In the pantry.

Nowhere had Taehyung been.

Jin finally decided to get Namjoon to assist him in his hunt.

He tiptoed back up the stairs and went the bedroom Namjoon had claimed, the door was cracked open—the night prior being closed—surprising Jin before he pushed the door open all the way and sighed with relief.

On the bed Namjoon was in the middle with two toddlers snuggled into him under the blanket.

Jin's heart melted as he took a quick picture before hurrying back to his own room.

He let his eyes close again, his thoughts drifting off of Namjoon and the kids all cutely snuggled up in bed, the sunlight shining through the blinds ever so slightly as not to wake them.

He loved that.

And he loved them.

The boys.

His boys.

Filler 🤷‍♀️
V + C

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