Chapter Eleven

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Alpine shakily stood up, heaving herself to her paws. Flint looked at her, worry glazing his eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked.

Alpine hesitated. "Y-yes... I am." She replied, quivering. Flint began to ask another question, but was cut off by his sister. "Flint, don't question her, she's in shock." Hollie whined.

Flint frowned. "Alright, as long as she's okay. We should get away from this place." He sniffed the breeze. 

Hollie waved her tail, scanning the horizon. "I think we should go back." She said squeakily. Alpine stared at her.

"Where to?" Flint asked. "I'm not going back to the meadow." He grumbled.

"N-no! Not that far." Hollie stammered. "Just to the forest, it seemed safe enough there." Hollie turned to look in the direct of Oak Forest.

Flint clenched his teeth with thought. "I guess we could." He agreed. "Come on, let's head out right away."

Alpine shook, unsteady. Hollie didn't look her best either. "Do you two need help?" Flint asked, looking back.

"No, I'm fine." Alpine said boldly. She knew it was a lie, but she wouldn't admit she needed help. Flint gazed at her questioningly, obviously skeptical.

"Well, just tell me if you do." Flint nodded, speeding up again. Alpine followed him as quickly as she could, struggling to keep up her pace. Hollie accompanied Flint, right beside him.

Her chest hurt and her eyes stung, but she ignored it and gave of the illusion of strength. "We're nearly there." Hollie yapped. Alpine looked at the lush forest, shadowed by the thick canopies.

I'm glad to be back here, but I know I can't stay. I'll have to climb Lone Mountain eventually. Alpine gazed up at the jagged peak of the solitary mountain. She whined softly as her paws touched the ferns carpeting the forest floor.

"Where should we head to?" Hollie asked as they padded into the woodland. "How about that huge hollow tree Flint found?" Alpine suggested hoarsely. Hollie nodded in agreement.

The three wolves padded in the direction of the oak. As they approached, the sky dimmed and the frogs croaked. 

"Get some sleep you two, I'll keep watch." Flint said gruffly, turning away and stepping outside. Alpine watched him amble off, then looked over at Hollie.

She was smiling, wide and gleeful. Alpine's ear twitched with interest. "I love my brother so very much." Hollie said, her admiration for Flint clear. "He's so brave, kind, loving," She chuckled, "He's the best brother I could ever ask for!"

Alpine grinned at the jubilant wolf. "Yeah, Flint can be pretty awesome. He's saved us, led us, helped us, and so much more." She added on.

"I'm glad you're here too, Alpine." Hollie beamed. Alpine's face warmed with embarrassment. "You're an amazing friend."

"T-thank you, Hollie. You're not too bad yourself." Alpine barked, ending with a playful yap. Hollie giggled, her tail swishing back and forth.

"Well, we'd better get some sleep." Hollie said, forcing a yawn for exaggeration. Alpine nodded in agreement, curling her tail over her face.

After what felt like hours, but really had only been a half an hour, Alpine became bored of attempting to drift into her dreamscape. She sat up, noticing Hollie was asleep.

She slunk out of the tree, sniffing Flint out almost instantly. He sat a few lengths away, looking deep into the unilluminated forest. "Flint." She whispered.

He pivoted his head towards her. "What are you doing awake? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I couldn't fall asleep, so I thought I may as well accompany you." She responded, keeping her voice soft. With a few steps, she sat beside him.

"Have you seen anything?" Alpine asked after a moment of awkward silence. Flint shook his head, looking back into the woods.

"Alpine, listen closely, okay?" Flint said suddenly. Alpine looked at him intently, listening very closely. "I've been thinking about Lone Mountain." Flint began. Alpine's eyes lit up with joyful expectation.

"And I think I've decided what's best," He continued, "For all of us." He cleared his throat. "I believe that we should not climb Lone Mountain, at least not yet."

Alpine's jaw gaped open. "Really?" She choked, "Don't you understand? We need to climb it!" She snapped.

"Now, hold on! I never said we wouldn't climb it, just not now." Flint defended himself. Alpine glared at him, flicking her ears. 

"Fine, then when will we climb it, Flint?" She said lowly. Flint turned his head.

"I don't know, Alpine." He said through clenched teeth. 

Alpine lashed her tail, fuming. "This is drastic! We need to find what's up there, I know it." She barked.

"Not now, Alpine." Flint growled lowly, standing up. He padded up with a dismissive twitch of his ear.

"Hey!" Alpine yapped, "Get back here! Flint!" She frowned, then stormed back into the hollow.

"Alpine?" Hollie yawned sleepily. Alpine didn't reply. She curled up facing the wall. "Is something wrong?" Hollie asked.

"Everything is fine." Alpine mumbled, sarcasm slipping into her voice. Hollie swiveled her ears and laid her head back down.

Alpine fell asleep, the distress she felt still lingering.

The next morning Alpine lifted her head to look for Flint in the cramped hollow, but didn't see him. She sat up, confused.

"Hollie?" She whispered to the sleeping female. Hollie's ear twitched. "Where's Flint?" Alpine asked.

"Right there." Hollie murmured, turning to look at Flint. Her eyes widened as she saw he wasn't where she'd thought.

Hollie sat up. "Flint?" She barked. "Flint! Where are you?" Hollie called, stepping outside. Alpine followed, scanning the area thoroughly.

"Alpine, did something happen?" Hollie whined, her eyes glossy with panicked dismay.

Alpine hesitantly shook her head. Worry washed over her. Is it my fault he's gone? 

"Flint!" Hollie yelped, racing off into the trees.

"H-hey! Hollie, wait!" Alpine called after her, startled. She followed her, glancing to her left and right to search for the missing wolf.

Hollie suddenly halted, and Alpine crashed into her back. Alpine stepped back and stood up, looking in confusion at Hollie, who stood frozen staring at the grass beneath her.

"Is something wrong?" Alpine asked quietly, stepping to her side. She choked back a gasp of horror as she saw what Hollie's eyes were glued on.

There laid a scrap of gray fur. The wiry hairs were twined between a patch of fallen branches.

Alpine clenched her teeth, flicking he eyes up at Hollie. Hollie looked up with an equal mix of terror and hope.

"Oh no." Alpine gulped. "We need to find him." She shivered at the thought of what could have happened to him.

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