Chapter Six

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The next morning. Alpine woke up as the sun did. Flint was already awake. "Did you catch this?" He asked, sitting next to the prey. Alpine nodded. 

"I-I knew we'd get hungry." She murmured. "Thanks. Hollie and I can share this squirrel." Flint said. Alpine smiled, grabbing the mouse and devouring it in a few bites.

Hollie woke up with a yawn. "Ooh, squirrel!" She yipped, standing up and padding over to Flint. She bent down and began eating, along with Flint.

With a burst of sorrow, she remembered her family. Her mother, father, sister, and two brothers. She quickly snatched up the bones of the mouse and dashed outside. She dropped them underneath a tree.

As she was walking back towards the tree, she stopped with a pang of sorrow. Why did I ever leave them? "Hey... are you okay?" a voice said softly. Alpine leapt up. "Uh... yeah." She murmured.

Flint walked closer to her. Then, he hesitated, obviously not sure what to do. Alpine flicked her ears. "I... I'm going to get a drink." She mumbled, heading off towards the river. She heard Flint's paws scuffle along as he treaded back towards the den.

She crouched down by the river and lapped up the cool water. Her face was hot with embarrassment. 

She bolted upwards as she heard a rustle in the bushes. She tucked her tail underneath herself in terror. The rustling stopped for a moment, then started again. A rabbit leapt out of the bush. 

Her lip curled in a snarl. The rabbit cried out and sped away. Alpine huffed, and turned back to the den.

"If we're going to Hazel Lake, we should go soon." Hollie whined. Flint looked at his pleading sister. "Oh, hi Alpine." Hollie barked as she slipped into the den.

"Hi." Alpine said without even glancing at Flint. "Can we please go to Hazel Lake?" Hollie yipped at Flint. "Why?" He snapped. Hollie flinched, then said, "Because... mom said it was nice there." She mumbled, looking at her paws. Flint flattened his ears, obviously unsure of what to do.

"Fine." He sighed. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Hollie squealed, her tail wagging uncontrollably. Alpine smiled, stifling a giggle, as Hollie licked Flint's face. 

"We'll leave in a moment." Flint said, walking out of the den towards the river, Hollie bouncing excitedly at his side. Alpine settled down, curling her tail over her nose. She was so tired, her eyes barely stayed open. She fell asleep.

"Hey, wake up." Flint prodded her awake. Alpine opened her eyes and sat up. "We're going to Hazel Lake, Hollie's outside." He told her.

She stood up, heading outside behind Flint. Hollie wagged her tail and led the way until they reached Sunflower Meadow.

"I smell moose." Alpine said. "Me too." Flint replied. Hollie stopped wagging her tail and sniffed the air. She licked her lips.

"There," Flint woofed, nodding towards a dark brown shape nearby, "It's a lone cow, perfect." "Let's eat it!" Hollie yipped. "Be careful." Flint warned her.

They slowly made their way towards the cow, beginning to spread out in a circle around it. At Flint's bark, Alpine leapt at the cow's said, latching her jaw onto its flesh. It cried out, flinging its legs and deadly hooves. Hollie ran out, nipping at it. Flint followed, leaping at the cow's hindquarters. 

The cow bucked and flung Flint off, sending him rolling into the long grasses. Hollie squealed, the cow taking advantage and stomping at her, almost crushing her. Alpine held on tight.

The cow finally flung her off, but she leapt back, aiming for its throat. Flint ran back over and bit at it. Hollie held on to one of its legs. Alpine's muzzle grabbed the cow's neck, just barely missing the throat.

Alpine gripped on harder, slipping. Flint leapt back, then jumped up, aiming for the cow's throat. They held on together, Hollie stood up and ripping at it's sides. The cow groaned, it's eyes glazing over.

They leapt away, watching the cow fall. It thudded onto the ground, dead. "Nice work." Flint praised the two. They all crouched down by the carcass, ripping into the fresh meat. They ate until their stomachs were full. 

"The scavengers will finish it." Flint said, licking the maroon blood off his lips. As if summoned, a coyote could be heard in the grasses. It peeked it's head out, then dashed off as it caught sight of the three wolves.

"We should keep going if we want to be close by nightfall." Hollie flicked her ear impatiently. "We should be cautious, though. I... I saw two humans with fire around here awhile back. I've heard they sometimes camp at Hazel Lake." Alpine told Hollie. "Who told you that? I've never heard that before." Hollie asked. "A beta in my pack." She replied, "I-I mean old pack." She added more quietly.

"Hmm, okay." Hollie mumbled. They headed off into the grasses, slowly coming closer to Hazel Lake. They slept through most of the night.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Hollie screeched. Alpine opened her eyes in a panic. "What's going on?" Flint barked.

"Humans!" Hollie yelped "Run!" Alpine leapt up, as Flint did too. She heard shouts and rustles a ways away.

They scrambled through the grasses, dashing around ditches and leaping over rabbit holes. 

Suddenly, a gunshot exploded. Hollie yelped, falling to the ground. "Hollie!" Flint howled, turning around, helping Hollie to her feet. Alpine noticed Hollie's hind leg was only grazed by the bullet.

Alpine stood completely still, frozen in terror. Then, she heard a click. Her fur bristled in recognition. A fire stick. "Flint! Hollie! Run!" She barked, leaping over to them.

Hollie ducked, but Flint didn't have time, and he stood right in the path of danger. Alpine flew in front of him as she heard another massive boom.

She felt the bullet hit her. She collapsed to the ground, only feeling fiery pain. She heard her name being called frantically, but couldn't respond. The world had disappeared.

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