Chapter Eight

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"Psst! Alpine." Alpine awoke to a whisper in her ear. She groaned and stumbled to a sitting position. "Yeah?" She replied sleepily. "We've gotta keep moving, Flint's kinda worried about that wolf he saw yesterday." Hollie whispered quietly.

Alpine nodded, then stood up, shaking some of the dust from her pelt. "Where is he?" Alpine asked. "Just outside, c'mon, let's hurry." Hollie replied, speeding out of the den. Her leg must be better. Alpine observed, following more slowly.

"What way to Hazel Lake?" Flint asked when they reached him. Hollie tilted her head to the right, "That way." Hollie said, full of energy and enthusiasm. Flint nodded, then started off into the grasses, away from the bush they'd sheltered in.

After an hour of walking, they rested in a small clearing, Hollie leaving to hunt, and Flint quickly scouting the area. "No danger." Flint called, entering the clearing again. "Hollie should be back soon." 

Alpine nodded, sprawled out on her back, soaking up the sun. Flint lolled out his tongue and leapt towards her, stopping the length of a mouse away, and gently nipped her front paw.

Alpine leapt up. "You asked for it!" She barked playfully, leaping at Flint, the two bowling over. They tumbled around the clearing, both being careful of Alpine's healing wound. Alpine grabbed Flint's muzzle. Flint growled happily and pushed her away. He jumped at her, pushing her onto her side.

"Beg for mercy!" He barked through his laughter. "Never!" Alpine giggled, batting at him with her free paws. He gently put his jaws around her neck, his teeth barely grazing her fur. "Beg for mercy!" He repeated, still laughing.

"Fine, fine!" Alpine grinned. "You win!" Flint stepped back, his tail wagging. At that exact moment, Hollie dashed into the clearing. "I'm back!" She yipped happily, carrying a large bird in her mouth.

The three wolves ripped into the carcass, filling their stomachs. They continued on their quest, nearing Hazel Lake. "I can see Oak Forest!" Hollie squealed happily, only an hour later. "Me too, we're nearly there!" Alpine yipped. Alpine noticed Flint grin.

"The trees are so pretty." Alpine murmured. They quickened their pace, reaching the forest within 20 minutes. Hollie squeaked and leapt into the undergrowth, spinning around the bushes and wildflowers that grew on the forest floor, growing from the rays of sunlight that snuck through the treetops.

Alpine hesitated. Is this safe? Is there danger? What if- She was cut off from her worrisome thinking by Flint prodding her side. "You coming?" Flint asked her. Alpine nodded, padding into the forest. "It's so nice and cool in here, with all the densely packed trees and undergrowth." Alpine smiled, admiring the green.

Hollie was bouncing around a few lengths away. "Mother was right! It is perfect here!" Hollie's ears perked. "I smell a deer, and rabbits, and mice, everything!" She squeaked. Alpine sniffed the air, catching the scent of a rabbit only a bit away.

She snuck off, slinking forward. She spotted the mottled brown creature and slowed down, her eyes locked and pawsteps quiet. The rabbit nibbled on blooming plant stalks, unaware of the wolf creeping up on it.

Suddenly, Alpine leapt at the rabbit. The rabbit let out a cry and flung itself away from Alpine. Alpine snapped at it, catching its tail. The rabbit spun in panic, but Alpine held on. Finally, Alpine gripped its neck and snapped it, blood dribbled from the open wound.

She grabbed the carcass, speeding back towards the other two. "I got some prey." She said, hiding the pain her chest had erupted into, feeling as if a bear was fighting inside of her. "Nice catch." Flint praised. Alpine smiled, then set down the rabbit.

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