Chapter Seven

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She heard mumbles. They sounded like they were miles away, foggy and unclear. She felt like she was underwater, and everything became muffled by the deep blue.

The voices slowly seemed to become clearer. She could make out some cries of grief, as well as some pleading.

After what seemed like ages of being in painful darkness, her senses slightly came back. She heard a gasp and a cry of relief. Her eyes fluttered open.

"Alpine! You're alive!" Hollie squeaked. Flint stared at Alpine in worry, and a bit of terror. "How..." Flint murmured. Alpine was confused, although she was too weak to show it. "You got hit in your chest, near your leg." He told her. 

"It didn't go in very deep." Hollie added with a small grin, trying to lighten to mood, "We got it out as well." Alpine groaned as she felt a horrendous stab of pain. As the pain settled down, she looked around. They were sheltered under a thick, green bush, still in Sunflower Meadow, but farther towards Hazel Lake. The bush was located in a small clearing, along with a few patches of clovers and another couple of smaller bushes.

Hollie's stomach rumbled. "I'll go catch some prey." Flint said. "Stay safe, sis." He added, "And go easy on your leg, it's gonna be hurt for awhile, so you're gonna need to get used to being cautious with it."

"Alright." Hollie squeaked. As Flint left, Alpine saw Hollie tend to her wound. Alpine lifted her head. Her mouth was dry, feeling like it was full of sand.

She looked down at her chest, barely holding back a yelp as she saw the wound on her chest. A medium sized gash, the sides crusted with dried blood. It wasn't very deep or very large, but still didn't look anywhere near good.

"H-Hollie." Alpine coughed. Hollie's head flew around, "Yeah?" She asked, full of energy. "Could you get me... water?" She croaked. "Sure!" Hollie yipped, dashing out, careful not to put much pressure on her leg.

After a few minutes, Hollie returned. "Here you go." She barked, setting a large leaf filled with water beside Alpine. She lapped up the water eagerly. "Hollie, how long was I asleep for?" Alpine asked.

"Uh, about a day." She answered. Alpine's ears perked. "A day? Really? That long?" She squeaked. Hollie nodded. Only seconds later, Flint crawled into the bush, two dead rabbits clamped in his jaws.

He dropped them on the ground, shoving one towards Alpine. Alpine slowly nibbled on the rabbit, every bite causing pain in her chest. "Will you be okay to walk?" Hollie asked her. Flint glared at her. "I... well, not right away, of course. In a few days, or so." Hollie corrected herself.

"Probably." She replied. Hollie's tail wagged a bit. "I hope so." Alpine muttered. After she had eaten nearly half the rabbit, she asked, "How did we escape the humans?"

"Well," Flint began,"After you got shot, we heard the humans doing something with their fire sticks, and we knew they'd shoot again soon. So, Hollie helped haul you onto my back, and we ran off." "Thank you." He added, barely even speaking. Alpine smiled.

A few days later, Alpine could walk. She was still weak, but getting stronger. "I don't think we should stay here much longer." Flint said. "But, I don't think Alpine is strong enough yet." "Yes I am!" Alpine snapped. 

"Alpine..." Hollie said softly. "I can walk, I'm fine!" Alpine snarled. "One more day?" Hollie pleaded with a small smile. Alpine stared at her for a moment. "Fine." She huffed, curling up into a ball of brown fur. "Hollie, do you mind going to hunt? I'll go check the area around the den, to make sure we're safe."

"Sure!" Hollie yipped, bouncing out of the den. "Alpine... stay here." Flint reminded her, trotting out of the den. Alpine watched them both vanish into the long grass.

An hour or so later, Hollie returned. She brought a vole and a thin, small rabbit. "Is Flint back yet?" She asked, her voice muffled by the prey. Alpine shook her head slowly. Hollie's eyes widened. "It's alright, we can wait, and if he's not back in a little while, we can go look for him." Alpine said calmly.

Hollie nodded briskly. Alpine could tell she was worried, and she understood why. Flint could be in trouble.

After another hour, Flint still hadn't shown up. Hollie and Alpine left to look for him. "Let's follow his scent, we might find him easier."  Alpine suggested. Hollie nodded. They padded down towards a small slope, and over a pile of pebbles. "He must be close." said Hollie.

Alpine stopped abruptly, causing a slash of pain in her chest. "I think I hear something." she said through clenched teeth. Hollie tilted her head. She nodded slightly, trying to stay quite. Suddenly, Flint flew out of the bushes.

"Flint! Where were you?" Hollie cried out, dashing towards her brother. He set his muzzle on her head. As Hollie backed away, he said, "There was another wolf. I chased them off." He panted.

Alpine looked at the bites on his flank. It looked as if it had been a struggle. Flint's eyes rested on Alpine. "Why are you out of the den?" He said lowly. Alpine flicked one ear, averting her gaze. "I came with Hollie." She mumbled. He slightly curled his lip, almost unnoticeably.

"Let's get back to the den." He murmured, heading off. Hollie and Alpine followed. When they reached the bush, Flint immediately slipped in. Alpine hesitated for a second, then slid into the bush. Flint was further away, muttering something to Hollie.

He really doesn't trust me, does he? She saw Flint flick her ear towards her, then lower his voice even more. 

She nearly let out a screech of pain as her chest randomly flared with agonizing pain. She gasped for breath, then collapsed, fainting. She heard Hollie cry, then nothing.

What must have been hours later, she awoke. She lifted her head, looking up at Hollie. She quickly searched the area for Flint, but didn't see him. "Where's Fl-" She was cut off by another slice of pain. "He went out hunting." Hollie answered.

"It's getting dark, you should get some sleep." Hollie said, curling up as well with a small yawn. How could I ever fall asleep with my wound constantly hurting? 

She sat up when she saw Hollie's breathing slow. Moments later, she heard Flint enter from behind her, then saw a rabbit being flung across the shelter. She turned her head towards him, just as he was about to throw over 2 plump mice, as well as a skinny shrew. 

He trotted to the pile, then placed them down. He looked at her, then beckoned her over with a swift swing of his tail. 

She stepped over to him, then sat down. She looked at him intently, waiting for him to speak. He opened his mouth, "Alpine... I'm sorry I've been acting so rude lately," He began. "I-I just feel like.." He stuttered, searching for the right words. "You remind me of Hollie, and I feel like I have to protect you."

Alpine stared blankly at Flint. "I know, I shouldn't, but I just, I just feel like I need to." He mumbled. "It's alright, I understand." Alpine replied, somewhat flatly. Flint's eyes brightened. "Thank you. We should get some sleep." He said, padding over to Hollie.

Alpine curled up a few lengths away from them. To her surprise, Flint beckoned her over. She squirmed towards them, drifting off to the sounds of their slow, calm breathing.

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