A First Date

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"Let's go visit Hagrid." Hermione wrinkled her nose.

"As a first date?" She questioned. It was Saturday morning and the two of them were trying to figure out where to go or what to do this beautiful day. So far, neither of them had come up with anything.

"No, but he will be able to vouch for me for two nights ago. I know you're till worried that I... Lied to you but I didn't, I promise." Hermione pursed her lips, not wanting to admit that thats what she had been thinking.

"Well what are we going to do at Hagrid's? You didn't tell him about us did you?" Hermione asked. Draco shook his head.

"No I didn't tell him and... I don't know actually. What do you and Harry usually do with Hagrid." Hermione shrugged.

"Drink tea, talk about animals."

"I can do that." Draco said excitedly, surprising Hermione with the large goofy grin that was now on his face.

"A-alright sure let's visit Hagrid." Hermione pulled her pink cardigan on over her blouse but Draco was hesitating.

"Maybe you should... You head down first, talk to him and then I'll come in a little afterwards. If we came in together it would be..."

"Weird." Hermione agreed, though she would've preferred to walk to Hagrid's with Draco, she knew they shouldn't really be seen together much or clue in Hagrid as to what their relationship might actually be like now. "Well, I'll head down right now. Follow me in like five or six minutes." Draco nodded and sat back down onto the couch. "See you in a bit." Hermione said, waving slightly and heading out the door.

"See you." Draco replied, raising his hand in a wave. Hermione smiled a little and closed the door to the tower as she began to move through the hallways to get to the Hogwarts grounds. It was a short walk from here and Hermione should be able to walk down there and have a quick conversation with Hagrid about what Draco was doing two nights ago before Draco himself would appear.

Hermione bit her bottom lip worriedly, wondering what kind of conversation she, Hagrid and Draco would have. How would Draco make sure that Hagrid invited him in and let him stay? What if things got awkward? Was this even a good idea? Hermione cursed herself lightly. They should have tried thinking of something to do that didn't involve other people or going outside of their common room.

But now she was at Hagrid's door and the plan was already in motion so Hermione knocked and waited for Hagrid to answer. When he did, he beamed down at her, his tall frame filling every inch of the doorway. "Hermione!" He bellowed. "Is Harry with you?" He asked, even though, clearly he wasn't.

"No it's just me today Hagrid."

"Well that's just as well, come in, come in." Hagrid said, stepping aside and allowing Hermione to enter. "You've come just in time. I've just made some tea for Fang and I." Fang lifted his head and gave Hermione a dogish smile. Hermione went over and smoothed out the fur on top of his head with a grin. "What brings you out here Hermione?" Hagrid asked.

"Actually," Hermione said as she sat down across from Hagrid at his table. "It might sound odd but I've come to ask about Draco." Hagrid's eyes seemed to light up as if he knew something that he shouldn't tell her.

"What about the boy?" Hagrid said a bit gruffly, loosing his happy tone.

"Well uhh.. Thank you." Hermione said as he poured her some tea. "He was acting very strange a couple days ago and a couple weeks back and each time I've asked him about it.. He won't tell me. I've had to cover rounds for him as Head Girl and lied to the Headmistress about his whereabouts and... Well Hagrid, whenever I ask him where he's going, he said he's going to visit you." Hagrid was nodding slowly.

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