Head Girl

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The first dinner went by in a breeze. The Sorting Ceremony went on without a hitch and before everyone knew it, they were heading to their separate houses, being marched away by some of the new and old teachers of Hogwarts. "I can't believe so many people left." Hermione murmured to Ginny and Harry as they ascended the stairs. "It almost feels like a different place." There was no signs of any war here. No charred brick or destroyed arches. Hogwarts had been rebuilt and Hermione could swear she smelled fresh paint.

"It really feels different this year." Ginny said enthusiastically. "I can't believe I'm happy for a new school year to start." Harry smiled a bit warily, thinking of everything that could go wrong this final year, despite Voldemort finally being dead. "We're going to have lots of fun the three of us." Ginny continued, throwing her arms around Harry and Hermione's shoulders. "I'll replace Ron in this magical Trio!" Hermione laughed a little.

"You're going to be a much better third member than Ron was." She joked. Harry quickly smiled and joined in on the teasing of Ron.

"Well you are smarter than Ron, Gin. And much prettier dare I say."

"Of course I'm prettier! And, two girls are better than one in a Trio. I don't know how Hermione survived with you two numskulls for six years." Harry laughed and Hermione smiled.

"Lots and lots of patience." The three friends laughed.


Hermione slept soundly in her bed. She had a pleasant first breakfast with her friends and she even had her first class, Herbology, and her last class, Charms, with Harry. So far, the day had been completely normal. That is, until Professor Flitwick received an owl from The Headmistress. "Hermione, you are to see the Headmistress after class." Flitwick informed everyone. Some of the students glanced back at Hermione and Harry, wondering what the two of them could have possibly done this time.

"What do you think McGonagoll wants?" Harry whispered to her. Hermione shrugged, a little nervous. Maybe she wanted to talk to her about her grades from last year. They had gone down the drain, but then wouldn't she have wanted to speak to Harry as well?

"It's Headmistress now Harry." She scolded lightly. "And I'm not sure. Maybe she just wants to talk about my grades." Harry pursed his lips, unconvinced. If anyone needed to talk bout their grades, it was Harry. The two friends sat through their Charms lecture anxiously, both of them too distracted by the summons to focus on class. Harry nearly walked Hermione all the way up to Headmistress McGonagall's office but Hermione made him turn back around and go back to the Gryffindor common room before dinner was to be served. "I'll be fine Harry. It's McGonagall."

"Tell me what happens." Harry said, touching her shoulder lightly as Hermione prepared to continue up to the Headmistresses office. "I'll see you later 'Mione." Harry waved goodbye before heading through the throng of students to get back to the Gryffindor House to meet up with Ginny. Hermione took a deep breath and continued on alone. McGonagall had officially been instated as Headmistress after the battle of Hogwarts and Hermione, and most everyone thought it was a really good idea. 

When Hermione stepped into the Headmistress room, she immediately recognized the boy standing in front of McGonagall's desk. His white blonde hair and robes with green accents were very distinguishable. It was Draco Malfoy. She swallowed hard. She hadn't seen him since the train ride despite having a couple of classes with him, but Draco hadn't shown up. She wondered if he was scared, or if she'd even actually seen him on the train. She had begun to think that maybe she imagined him. "Ah, here we are, Miss Granger." Draco turned his head slowly to look at her. Hermione had her hands behind her back, looking timid and shy as she stood in line with him, though at least two feet away.

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