Old Wounds

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Draco hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. He hadn't been there when Harry had yelled at Hermione that she should hate hime for what transpired in his home but he could just picture what Harry had said.

"He's scum. He's despicable. He allowed you to be tortured. He watched Bellatrix hurt you."

"You have scars Hermione! Mentally and physically. Do you think those will go away just because he said he was sorry? Sorry means nothing from a Malfoy!"

"He doesn't deserve your kindness, your compassion. He never showed that to us in all the years we've known him. All he cares about is his name and his honor."

At least, that's what Draco imagined Harry might say. He couldn't be sure if any of these sentences were even spoken, but it's what Draco would have said in Harry's position. And all of these statements were true or, at least, had been true at some point.

Hermione looked up from her seat on the floor in front of the coffee table. She was currently writing out a reply to Ron's latest letter but kept looking up at Draco.  She found Draco to be very distracting, despite the fact that he wasn't doing anything. He looked grumpy though, sitting on the couch and staring at nothing. Hermione frowned. "Are you okay?" She asked. Draco glanced over at her.

"I'm fine." He said in a tone of voice that made it seem like he wasn't fine.

"Somethings bothering you." Hermione murmured. "What is it?" Her quill continued to scratch across the page, trying to seem unbothered by his mood swing. Everything had been fine yesterday but now something was sour again.

"Nothing." Draco lied, looking away from her again. Hermione pursed her lips and went back to writing her letter but now, it was even harder to concentrate on these last couple of lines. With a sigh, Draco finally said "I was just thinking about something you said the other day, about Potter."

"What did I say?" Hermione asked, putting down her quill so she could focus on Draco. He didn't look up at her again.

"That Harry said you should hate me." He stopped, biting down on his bottom lip. Hermione's heart was beating wildly in her chest, almost as if she could feel the incoming fight they were about to have. "Bellatrix tortured you in my home." Hermione stiffened and then winced. She had scars on her back from Bellatrix's magic but it was the mental trauma that was the worse. Sometimes, Bellatrix's spells followed her into her dreams.

"What about it." Hermione said in a low voice. She didn't particularly want to talk about it.

"Maybe he's right. Maybe you shouldn't forgive me."

"We're not talking about this." Hermione said, her hands shaking as she tried to gather her parchment papers together, refolding Ron's letter.

"Well we should. You forgave me too easily after what I did."

"You didn't do anything. It was Bellatrix." Hermione said forcefully

"But you should still hate me." Draco said, all the horrible things he had ever done flickering through his mind like a bad movie.

"And why should I?" Hermione asked defiantly. "You're a good person Draco. You're not like that anymore."

"You were tortured in my house Hermione! I watched them scrub blood off the floor for three days! I hate my parents for letting it get that far. I should've done something right then and there but I was too afraid and even after everything that happened, even after people realized Harry was still alive, my family ran away."

"Draco.." Hermione said. He was going to go on one of his rambles about what a horrible person she was and she hated having this same fight over and over.

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