#Tony: A Second Chance

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Request by anonymous Tumblr user.

Idea: Tony gets reader pregnant and kicks her out, only to regret it after seeing the reader and his baby girl.

Warning: Reader is pregnant in this one shot.


Your eyes were bloodshot from crying so much. You couldn't believe this was happening, but you were pregnant, and Tony had to know about it.

When he had finally gotten home, you stood from the sofa. Your hands were shaking by your sides as your boyfriend approached you. His face fell the moment he caught glimpse of your tears stained cheeks. "Babe," Tony pulled you in for a tight hug before moving back to examine your flushed cheeks. "What happened?" he questioned gently as he stroke your hair assuringly.

You shook your head, unable to speak up as your felt your whole being trembled under the weight of your news. Tony's arms sneaked around your waist protectively. Dropping your gaze, you tried to avert Tony's eyes. But your boyfriend lifted your chin up lightly with a finger, his worried eyes locked with yours. "Do I have to get in my suit now to beat up some bastards?" Tony furrowed his brows in the thought of someone touching his girl.

Shaking your head, you finally found your voice. "Tony," your lips shook but you continued, "I'm pregnant."

It took the billionaire a few seconds to process your words. When he did, his arms fell away silently. This was enough to start your breakdown all over again. "No," he muttered, his eyes wide and he searched your face. Once he realised you were indeed serious, he took a step back. Your voice cracked when you tried to speak up again.

"Please, Tony."

Tony shook and glanced around him, as if hoping he would find someone, probably Clint, videotaping this and then jumping out to tell him this was all a prank. But no, you two were alone and Tony stared. "This can't be happening."

Silence fell upon you two. Heavily, Tony moved to a side and his eyes fell onto the ground. The message was clear. You bit back a sob as you went to your room and packed. As you walked out of the door, with Tony and your baby within of you, you had promised yourself to never come near this man ever again.


You had been working at this diner for quite some times after giving birth to Ashley, your little girl. Instead of Tony's last name, however, you kept yours. Ashley was a sweet girl. She was shy to strangers but kind as well. Her hair was the same colour of yours, yet her eyes, they remained you so painfully of Tony. To your amusement, sometimes Ashley even grinned like her dad, which was ridiculous since she had never met Tony before.

When people asked who the father was, you shrugged and mentioned an ex-boyfriend who was too broke to support you and Ashley. When Ashely asked about her daddy, you would just smile at your little and brush back her hair, revealing her twinkling eyes that were Tony's.

Today you were working at the diner when your little girl was sitting at a table in the back. She had a small milkshake and was drawing in her little notebook when a man came in. You paid little notice as you tried to take down a family's order. When you were walking back to the kitchen to pass on the order, you ruffled Ashley's (Y/H/C) hair lovingly before kissing the top of her head. "Nice work," you commented when you saw what she had drawn, which were some boxes and circles.

You went to the back of the diner and chit chatted with the chef for a bit before returning to the main room. To your shock, a man in an expensive looking suit was sitting right across your daughter. His familiar jaw and sharp features caught your breath. Tony Stark, you fished up his name in your mind, unable to take in this scene at all.

Your daughter was explaining something to Tony. The billionaire smiled and grinned, though there was a glint of regret and sadness flashing in his eyes. The others in the diner peeked at the unusual pair, and you simply couldn't bring yourself to step towards the two of them.

"What is this again?" Tony was asking. He pointed at Ashley's notebook innocently and smiled. Ashley beamed and waved her crayon wildly as she tried to explain her masterpiece.

"This is a machine that I have invented. It can time travel!"

Tony had a surprised expression on. "Oh wow! That's amazing! But why time travelling?"

Ashely pouted and earned a little chuckle from Tony. You clapped your hand to your mouth as you watched on. "Well, at first I just thought I wanted to help Captain America to time travel, so he can go back in time to live with his girlfriend." Astonishment was shown between Tony's brows but Ashley continued, poking at her temple, "Mummy takes me to the museum a lot. But anyway, now I think I'd like to use the machine to go back in time to see my daddy, and to ask him to stay with me and Mummy."

Tony's smile faltered, his eyes were brighter than usual as he sat back. "Ah, do you know who I am, Ashley?"

"You're Tony Stark!" Ashley squealed with delight. "You invent loads of stuff! I want to be like you!" Then, after a moment of pondering, Ashley added quietly, "But when I ask Mummy about you, she says you're a dickhead who's also not as smart as you appear to be."

At this, you decided to interrupt them. Ashley was giggling as she said, "I'm not supposed to say that word. It's a bad, bad word!"

Tony blinked in shock and when you had finally come into his line of sight, he arched his eyebrows. "Dickhead, huh?" he questioned while trying for a smile.

Crossing your arms, you tried your best to conceal your emotions. "What are you doing here?"

Ashley was trying to get your attention but you ignored her for the being. Tony stood and neared you. You watched him, your eyes getting dangerously bright. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. It was a big mistake and," Tony took a deep breath and finished, "I love you so, so much. I still do. Please forgive me."

You stared hard at him. Ashley, shuffling off the chair, came between you two and tugged at the hem of your dress. "It's been quite a while, Tony," You stated but a tear escaped your eyes. You sniffed, oblivious to people staring at you two in the diner. "I don't know if I can forgive you."

His eyes were dark with remorse and regret. Reaching up, he wiped away your tears. Your body tensed up at his touch, at how familiar his warmth felt. "I hated myself so much for letting you go, Y/N. I was wrong and I know it. I have been looking out for you. The only reason that I haven't approached you until now is that, I thought you were better off without me. You seemed so confident with yourself, and I wasn't ready to drag you down the pit and get upset again. But I have stayed away enough, and there's not a day where I don't think about you." Tony glanced down at your girl and smiled sadly, "and her."

"Well, you are wrong," you muttered. Tony peered at you nervously, as if he was afraid of your rejection. "I looked confident but I wasn't. Damn it, Tony, do you have any idea what you have put me through?"

Tony's pleading eyes locked with yours as he held your arms desperately. "I'm really, really sorry, love. Please, give me a second chance to right the wrongs that I have done. I want to help, and I want to be able to love you again."

You sighed and dropped your gaze. Alas, you nodded and suddenly, you were in Tony's arm. The billionaire still smelled the same, and you relaxed at the familiarity. "I love you," Tony whispered, his breaths tickling the top of your hair as you sneaked your arms around his neck.

Between the two of you, Ashley tried to squeeze in to get your attention. Chuckling, you pulled away and bent so you could face your daughter. Kneeling in front of your girl, Tony grinned at you as you said, "Well, Ashley. It's time to meet your daddy."

At first, the little girl seemed confused. Then, turning slowly to face Tony, Ashley shrieked in joy and launched herself at Tony, wrapping her small arms around the man. Tony, laughing and stumbling back slightly, hugged his daughter back and whispered, "Nice to meet you too, Ashley."

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