#Bucky: When He's Shy

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#Bucky Barnes X Reader quested by anonymous Tumblr user

A/N: Definitely loved writing this one shot:) This is some serious fluff and I hope you guys like it! By the way, can someone throw in some Steve requests? I want to write Steve lol

Bucky had a crush on you. Everyone in the Avengers knew. You were oblivious about it until one of Tony's parties, when the billionaire got too drunk and stumbled into you. Pepper pulled him back and smiled apologetically. "Pepper, please," Tony whined and struggled to get to you. You laughed at the embarrassing Tony Stark and watched as he wiggled free of Pepper's grip. "I need to tell Y/N."

Pepper threw him a warning glance at once, but his words had already pecked at your curiosity. "Bucky has a crush on you-" Tony's eyes widened when Pepper covered his mouth with her hands. You arched an eyebrow at the man quizzical when the woman began to pull the billionaire away.

"I'll see you soon, Y/N!" Pepper called and disappeared into the crowd with a yelping Tony. Turning on your heels, you met gaze with the one and only, Winter Soldier. His eyes flew away from you the moment you guys met eyes.

Steve was talking to him, but he paused at his friend's reaction and glanced in your direction. A smile lingered at his lips while Bucky began to walk away. "Wait up!" The soldier called out before leaving with his best friend, shrugging at you in a clueless manner.

Now that you knew Bucky had a crush on you, it made things very awkward between the two of you. Since you were one of Shield top agents, you were always working with the Avengers. Bucky, ever since he had joined the Avengers, was reserved and distant. There were times when the former assassin had a little smile at the tip of his lips, but that only happened when Steve embarrassed himself or when you told a bad jokes.

But you could never really tell if he had liked you before Tony spilling the secret to you at his party. He always seemed to be even quieter when you were around. At first you though he was just shy, but when he started to make excuses to gain more distance from you, you became hesitant.

After Tony's party, however, you wasn't quite sure how to react around Bucky anymore. Sure you wanted to help him out, since you really liked him anyway. But you weren't the most straightforward person and you constantly made things awkward. Just like him.

This morning, you received a call from Steve Rogers. You had literally just woken up when the golden boy's voice blasted into your ears. "Steve, are you calling me during your mission?" You yawned and sat up in your bed.

Someone grunted in pain and something metallic bounced on a solid. "Yeah," Steve's voice was tight as he struggled someone off.

"Have you connected your earpiece to your phone?" You mused.

"With Tony's help, yes! I just need your help right now since I'm kind of busy dealing with stuff." At that, there was a massive explosion in his end of the call. I paddled across the floor, throwing open my closet door when Steve continued, "I need you to check on Bucky and make sure he doesn't burn down my flat! I forgot to make him breakfast!" You rolled your eyes and chuckled.

"Alright, Captain. Be careful." The soldier hung up immediately, just after you heard someone cursing at Steve.

You put on a pair of sweatpants and a worn out jumper before leaving your own apartment. Your flatmate had gone onto a run already, so you left a little note on the table to tell her that you had a meeting this morning. She didn't need to know you were actually going to babysit the Winter Soldier.

You arrived at Steve's flat shortly. You didn't live very far away from him. It took only a few seconds for Bucky to answer the door. You smiled and looked him up and down. "So, you're still alive," you remarked while crossing your arms in front of your chest.

With his eyes widened, Bucky stared at you before ceasing his brows slightly. "What are you doing here?"

You sighed, noticing it was the first time Bucky didn't stutter in front of you. "It's nice seeing you too, Barnes. Steve's made me come over to check on you," you explained and slipped past the broad man. He glanced down at you, his gaze trailing after you as you stretched and yawned, before slumping onto their coach.

"It's five in the morning," Bucky muttered as he closed the door quietly. "You shouldn't have come."

"Steve's quite worried, since he literally called during a mission. Nick's gonna have a hell lot to say about that." You peered at him and saw the man standing in front of the entrance, his hands in his pockets as he frowned at you. "You're quite an early bird, aren't you?"

Bucky shrugged and went into the kitchen. You heard him cluttering around and soon you heard the kettle boiled. Picking up a cushion, you hugged it to your chest and fluttered your eyes close. "Oh." You snapped your eyes open at Bucky's voice. He paused when he caught sight of you on the sofa, ready to fall back to sleep. In his hands were two steaming mugs. Bucky's gaze fell as he eyed the mugs that he was holding uncertainly. "I made you coffee."

You flushed and straightened up with a sheepish smile. "That's very sweet of you, Bucky. Coffee sounds great!" Hesitantly, Bucky came over and handed you the mug. It wasn't until you patted the spot next to you that Bucky would take a seat on the sofa. The sofa creaked slightly under his weight and Bucky sat stiffly, with his metal hand around his mug. You took a sip of your drink, the rich scent filling your mouth. You heaved a sigh. "This is good coffee. Thanks."

"It's okay," Bucky murmured and sipped his as well. After a momentary heartbeat of silence, Bucky spoke up, "Has Tony said anything to you on the other day? At the party?"

You almost choked on your drink. You lowered your mug and peeked at Bucky. "What do you think he's said?" Bucky was quiet. He stared down at his coffee before peering at you, only to blink and look away when you smiled at the assassin. "Do you have something to tell me?" you questioned lightly, and was at a loss of words when Bucky stood from his seat and went inside.

Way to screw things up, you thought miserably and downed your coffee. You considered just leaving the flat when Bucky returned with his fist taut. Bucky's blue eyes glinted with determination and almost fear when he took his place next to you once more. "Well, Y/N," he gulped and extended his flesh hand to you. You watched and your cheeks burnt when he uncurled his fingers, revealing a silver necklace with a stud hanging in the middle. "I want you to have this-"

You grinned at Bucky and threw yourself to him, pulling him close to you. The assassin froze at first, but gradually, he relaxed and wrapped his arms around you as well. You closed your eyes and was overwhelmed by how close you two were. Pulling back, your cheeks were burning as you peered down at the necklace that Bucky was holding. "It's beautiful," you whispered and smiled at Bucky. "Thank you so much."

"I really like you, Y/N. Would you go out with me?" Bucky asked with sincerity gleaming in his light eyes. A genuine smile was tugging at his lips and there was on way in hell you could reject him.

Leaning in, you kissed his cheek. He smelled of aftershave and pine, "Of course," you grinned and you caught glimpse of this fat beam on Bucky's face. You thought you were going to die right in his arms. Blushing, you sighed quietly when Bucky cupped the back of your neck with his hand so he could see you better.

"Should I help you put it on?" Bucky asked softly, his gaze left you burning in the spot. You nodded enthusiastically, almost like a kid awaiting for her present. Chuckling, Bucky brushed your hair to aside and placed the necklace around your neck gently. His metal hand skimmed your skin, sending shivers to your spine.

"Thank you," you mumbled and peered up at the assassin. His lopsided smirk caught your breath and Bucky placed his hands on your waist.

"Anything for you, doll."

Avengers/Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes One Shots (Open for Requests)Where stories live. Discover now