#Steve: Abused History

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#Steve Rogers X Reader requested by God_of_Thunder

Trigger: Violence and sad Steve

Idea: The reader and Steve got into a heated argument when the reader thought Steve was going to hit her (which would NEVER happen because Steve is a sweetheart;) )

You couldn't remember what exactly you two were arguing about, but both you and Steve were flustered. Your boyfriend of months were almost glowering, which was unusual for him. He was always so patient and gentle with you, but tonight was different. Shield had been putting pressure on Steve, and you knew damn well about it, yet you simply couldn't help yourself.

You were done being left alone all the time when your goddamn boyfriend went to save the world. You wanted Steve for yourself and nothing else. You knew it sounded selfish, but your relationship had gone to the point where it was either make or break.

"Shut up, Rogers!" You screamed and stormed into your bedroom. Before you could slam the door shut, Steve marched right after you and held open the door. Growling, you glared at him and gave him the dirtiest look you could muster.

A flicker of hurt glinted behind the soldier's eyes. But soon, anger overwhelmed the pain as Steve scowled at you. "Y/N, stop this," he grumbled and balled his fists. The muscles in his arms were pulsing with his flaring temper.

"Can you just listen to yourself?" You exclaimed and jabbed a finger at his chest. "You stop acting all Captain America around me, okay? I am done with that bullshit!"

The moment had escalated quickly when out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Steve's lashing out. With a loud thud, he punched through the wall next to the door frame that you were standing by.

You flinched so hard that you took a step back. With his head low, Steve panted in rage and glared at you. Your heart was kicking away. You knew it wasn't possible, but the soldier had a dark look in his eyes that you couldn't quite place. It reminded you so much of your ex-boyfriend, and the night when he first slapped you. 

A tear rolled down you cheek as you took another step back. When Steve moved, you jumped and fell back to your bed in fear. "What-" Steve stuttered and his expression turned from anger to confusion. He took in your shivering form, and how you had pulled your knees to your chest. Gradually, realisation hit him and he sucked in a deep breath in shock. "No," he whispered hastily and attempted to take a step towards you. As a reflex, you fell back and shook visibly as you supported yourself on your elbows, looking up at Rogers tearily as you waited for the blow.

He was helpless and shocked. He couldn't believe he had scared you this much, and the very idea simple tore him into pieces. "Y/N," he breathed as he felt his heart broke at the sight of you. "I'm not going to hurt you."

You stared and waited, the flashback of your boyfriend hitting you was playing over and over again in the back of your head. "I promise, Y/N," Steve pleaded, his expression pale and his gaze was dangerously bright. "I will never, ever, hurt you."

Slowly, as you had no reaction, he moved towards you and placed a hand on your knee. You flinched and a whimper escaped your lips. Steve's sincere eyes locked with yours and despite your struggles, he embraced you and rubbed circles on your back until you would relax. "Steve," you cried into his chest and held onto his jumper, "I'm so sorry."

Steve held you close against him and shut his eyes in reassurance. He was glad that you were finally back with him, instead of being trapped in that horrid memory. "No, I was being inconsiderate, and I should be the one apologising. You're the sweetest girl I can ever wish for, what was I thinking when I was away on those goddamn missions?" 

Steve's chest vibrated against you as he spoke softly. You sighed and rubbed your eyes. You were being stupid. There was no way in hell that Steve Roger was like your last boyfriend. Besides, you were winding him up for no reason at all, especially when he had only returned from a three-weeks mission. "Language, captain," you murmured and saw a small smile lighting up Steve's face.

You two stayed in the bed as the night began. You were so tired and comforted by Steve's presence. "I will never hurt you, Y/N, you hear?" Steve whispered and pressed a kiss at your temple. You smiled and snuggled even closer to him. Gently, Steve moved you so he could level gaze with you. His big hands cupped your face as you lost yourself in his baby blues. "Y/N, I love you and don't  you think otherwise."

Nodding with a breaking smile, you pressed your forehead against him and fluttered your eyes close. "I love you, Steve Rogers," you whispered.

He smiled, his world bursting with colours as he whispered back, "That's my best girl."

Avengers/Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes One Shots (Open for Requests)Where stories live. Discover now