#Steve: Woman In Black

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#Steve Rogers X Reader

A/N: This was suggested by one of my good friends, Katie, and I absolutely loved the idea! 

Trigger: Stevie being a cutie and...you'll find out. I'm really sorry but I just can't help it!

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It was Tony's stupid idea, really. Who else would want to watch a horror film in the middle of an Avengers' meeting at the Stark Tower? You tagged along with Steve because you had nothing to do and also, well, you were his girlfriend.

"Which one?" Clint asked in an over-excited manner. Thor beamed and pulled Jane closer to him. The scientist blushed but snuggled closer. You knew exactly how pleased Jane was when she knew Tony was flying her over just so she could hang with her boyfriend. Jane had been gushing about it for an hour in the kitchen when you girls were preparing food.

"Horror films?" Thor blared, "these do not scare me."

Natasha rolled her eyes openly and shifted closer to Bruce, who merely gulped and looked away. "Woman In Black, then," the Black Widow suggested, earning a bright grin from Clint.

Next to you, Steve was content with his fingers entwined with yours. You two were the quietest as you enjoyed each other's company on the sofa. With your legs folded underneath you, you leaned against Steve while his other hand played with your hair mindlessly.

You swore Tony's expression had faltered slightly, but the billionaire covered it up and smacked Bucky on the arm. "If Frostie wets his pants, someone better clean up my sofa," he added with a forceful laugh. It wasn't hard to read from Pepper's expression that Tony was indeed nervous about the film. 

A dark scowl masked Bucky's face and his metal arm whirred. "Shut up, Stark," the ex-Soviet assassin hissed and neared the man, who backed away slightly but maintained the staring contest none the less.

"Buck," Steve called with a light smile and turned to Tony, "Stop bullying him, Tony."

Tony gaped dramatically and clutched his arc reactor, "Why are you only helping him?"

You chuckled and put your arms around Steve to get comfortable. The soldier laughed, his chest vibrated against your shoulder. "He's my friend, Tony."

"So was I!"

"Film's starting!" Clint announced and dashed to his spot on the sofa. 

"Jarvis," Pepper called, "turn the lights down, please."

"Yes, Miss Potts."

Glancing around, you realised you were missing somebody. "Where's the twins?" You whispered and Steve gazed down at you with the softest smile that he only preserved for his love. 

"They're on a mission. Don't worry about it, doll."

You grinned contently and leaned into him again, your head fitting perfectly next to his neck. The scent of Steve's aftershave comforted you, reminding you of the days when you didn't have to worry about Steve during his missions.

The cute moments quickly escalated when the film took a darker turn. The flicker lights from the TV screen danced on everybody's faces. With Jane and Bruce wearing the same petrified expression, both Natasha and Thor had the excuse to pull themselves even closer to their loved ones. Clint was merely enjoying himself with a lazy smile as he took swigs of beer. Tony, on the other hand, had set his jaw hard. Both him and Bucky looked identical as they tried to play tough in front of everybody.

When Daniel Radcliffe walked towards the window, you could hear Steve inhaling shakily next to you. Suppressing a giggle, you peered up at your boyfriend, Captain America, who was staring on the screen, transfixed with fear in his eyes. "Are you alright?" you asked under your breath. Blinking, Steve nodded at you hastily before turning his attention back to the screen, just as the first jumpscare appeared.

Pepper's scream pierced through the atmosphere, effectively scaring the hell of everybody even more. As an instinct to possible danger, Steve pulled you right into him, his chest heaving with his shortened breaths as his strong arms were wrapped around you. 

Giggling into his shirt, you spoke up, "Steve, I'm fine!" 

The soldier kept you in his arms as he scowled at the screen. On the sofa next to yours, Jane was hiding her face behind her hands. Thor was clearly savouring his time of having Jane in his arms as well. Bruce took off his glasses and rubbed his face tiredly while Natasha leaned her head on his shoulder innocently.

"I can't do this anymore!" Tony exclaimed and jumped from his seat. "I'm calling it a night!" He announced and pulled Pepper to her feet. Clint was laughing his bottom off while spilling his drink everywhere. Bucky was frozen on his spot, earning a worrying frown from you.

You nudged your boyfriend and asked, "is Bucky alright? He seems to be in some sort of shell-shock." Before Steve could call out to Bucky, the assassin stood and muttered something about going to the washroom.

"He didn't actually wet the sofa, did he?" Clint was having a difficult time breathing as he attempted to ask. When the others had finally settled down, Bruce had opted to leave too.

"Not my thing," the scientist remarked in exhaustion and began to walk away, when Natasha jumped from her seat and took hold of his hand.

"I'll walk you to your room, Banner," she said softly, throwing a wink at you and Jane before leaving with a flustered Bruce Banner. Clint attempted to wolf whistle behind them.

"Shut up!" Jane warned and threw a cushion at the man. You had almost forgotten about Steve until your boyfriend squeezed your shoulder lightly.

"Y/N, is it alright if I retire early tonight?" 

You watched Steve in amusement, though you could see the apology in his eyes. He didn't want to ruin the night for you but if you had gotten this right, Captain America was actually scared. "I'll come with you, babe," you offered and pecked at his cheek. The soldier smiled gratefully at you before leading you back to your guest room at Stark Tower.

"The story's not real, right?" Steve asked worriedly when you two got changed for bed. 

"No, of course not," you laughed and slipped into bed. Steve followed suit and wrapped his arms around you. You sighed in contentment. 

"Thank god we're sharing a bed tonight," Steve murmured sleepily as he began to doze off. You turned around just so you could see the glints of his eyes in the dark. Laughing quietly, you placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I always feel safer with you," the soldier whispered and grinned, his baby blues anchoring you from all your thoughts and worries. "Thank you..for everything, for just being you. I love you, Y/N. I thought I should let you know."

You giggled with a blush and snuggled against him. You could feel Steve relaxing his muscles immediately. "I know, Steve. I love you, too." 

When he began to draw light circles on your back, you felt yourself surrendering to the welcoming rest that you needed. A yawn managed to escape your lips before you whispered, "good night, soldier boy."

Steve chuckled and ran a hand through your hair tenderly as he spoke, "Sleep well, my love."

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