#Bucky: Possessions

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#Bucky X reader requested by @LetsBeUnpredictable4

A/N: been crazy busy these weeks so sorry about the irregular updates! Felt like writing this in first person point of view so I hope you guys are alright with it.. Had special help from my friend, Olivia for inspirations;) andddd I'm really sorry but I haven't gotten the time to proof read it yet. Life's been crazy i just really need a break from school:(( anyway, enough for the rants. I hope you guys do enjoy this! xxx

I sigh as I step out of the shower, breathing in a deep breath of the floral scented steam. My body ached from my workout earlier on in the morning, and I wasn't sure I was looking forward to the task ahead of us for the day, sorting through Buck's possessions which we had received from the SHIELD arrives earlier on in the week.

I stepped out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around my head and wandered down the hallway towards the bedroom. "Y/N?" Buck called, "I'm in the bedroom, do you think you could join me?" I stepped through the doorway and felt my heart warm at the site.

Buck is sitting there on the middle of the bed in over sized sweat pants and a baggy shirt, open boxes surrounding him, with different labels, hastily written on them. Things such as "PERSONALS", "UNIFORM" and "HOME POSSESSIONS" scrawled across their sides. You cross the space between the door way and the bed in a few steps and climb onto the bed, resting your back on the headboard with Buck and the boxes at your feet.

"How is it going? Found anything scandalous or groundbreaking from back in the dinosaur age?"

"Ha! I'd be lucky! Not much went on back in the forties, the most fun I'd get up to was saving Stevie's ass from a beating when he thought he was stronger than he really was."

"Are you sure it was that way round? I mean I've seen Steve and he is preeeetty built..." you tease as Buck grabs at your ankle pulling you forward.

"Uh huh? You like admiring Steve's muscles, well believe me when I tell you he definitely didn't always look like that." Buck huffs as he draws you in under his arm.

At first I had had a strange sense of awe when looking at Buck's metal arm that Hydra had given all those years ago, but he had been so cautious of his arm around me, having hurt so many with it. However now he trusted himself with the arm much more, seeing that it wasn't just a weapon and all the good that could come from it too. It was slightly cool against the exposed skin on my arm but it was Buck, and I loved it all the same.

"Do you have any pictures of Steve and you together before he took the serum?"

"I should somewhere in here, the day before I shipped out we went to the Stark Expo, it was like the future! Howard Stark, Tony's father, was there, he had this hovering car.... anyway, Steve and I went to the photo booth before we went to watch the main show, the picture should be around here somewhere..." He unwinds his arm from around my shoulder and starts rifling through the box labelled "PERSONALS", pulling out items such folded up letters and I catch the glint of a dog tag amongst other things. Finally he pulls out a photo, folded in half and worn around the edges from constant wear and tear, possibly from being put in and pulled out of a pocket many times over a short period of time. "Here we are, I put on my uniform as soon as I received it, wanted to look smart of the Expo, sometimes I forget how tiny Steve was back then..."

"Give that here! Holy shit, he did look different! He is so tiny he even makes you look buff!" I say as I grab the photo, giving Buck a wicked grin as you tease him.

Avengers/Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes One Shots (Open for Requests)Where stories live. Discover now