10 :.; The Garden And The Thoughts

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{Josh's POV}

The little leather bracelet that Wisdom made for me is really itchy. It feels like a thousand, little, fire ants biting me and their venom is fire. I itch at my wrist and sigh. It's so boring inside of my room. Granted, it's beautiful, but it's boring. I sat at the bay window and gazed out at the pasture, a few magical unicorns grazed and a large animal resembling a dog stood watch. I sighed and wondered where Tyler was. He disappeared and said he had legal matters to discuss with Michael. I had to get out of here. I opened my door and peeked out to make sure there was no one was in the hall. The coast was clear. I tiptoed out of the room and silently closed the door. I hastily walked back to the foyer and opened the grand doors. I wondered around the property till I came across a garden. I shrugged and walked in. The garden was beautiful! There were beautiful royal blue roses, I had never seen a blue rose before! There were light pink, red, and yellow roses. There were orchids, pansies, and other flowers. I stopped to watch multi-colored butterflies and I heard a noise. It was singing, I rounded the curve and saw a beautiful woman sitting on a stone bench. Birds clustered around her and listened to her. Suddenly she looked directly at me. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
I looked around me, as if this beautiful woman was talking to someone beside me. To my surprise, no one was there. "I was wandering around. I was bored."
The woman laughed, a beautiful tinkling sound. "It can get a bit tedious," She paused, "I'm Deborah, but you can call me Debbie. Deborah is such an old lady name." She flicked her hand like an old woman would. I laughed, Debbie is funny. Debbie patted the space beside her on the bench and looked on. I sat beside her and wondered what she was looking at, there was nothing there but a Japanese Cherry Blossom Tree. I looked at Debbie, she sighed, she was really beautiful.
"So, do you live her?" I decided to start a conversation. She looked at me, "No, I'm from earth, I'm just waiting to be sent back."

"What happened to you?" I questioned. She pulled up the hem of her dress to reveal a large, deep scar that started from her thigh to her leg. "Freak accident." She simply replied. I laughed, she smiled. "What about you?" She asked clearing her throat. "I'm in a coma, apparently."

"How'd that happen?" She asked.

She laughed at me, a ferocious laugh. I couldn't help but laugh with her. She was amazing. I wanted to know her on earth.

{Tyler's POV}

I was in Michael's study, we were discussing my case, and how we could win. So far, I had a good chance of being innocent. Which, I was. It couldn't have been my fault that a parasitic demon latch onto my pain and insecurity. It wasn't my fault that I was so weak that I couldn't fight a demon regular people could fight. Was it? Was it my fault that I was so weak, so soft that I couldn't fend off the evil? It couldn't have been. I knew that.

One question was on the tip of my mind: would Blurryface disappear?
I hope he wouldn't, he was kinda like my best friend. So was his brothers and sisters. They were all my torturous friends. So taunting, so pain-inflicting, so much so that I starved my broken body. Was their words worth it?

Yeah, probably.


I changed up my format a little.
I mashed both personal views together.

Hope you like!

Vote, Comment, Enjoy!!


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