4 ;.; Demons

170 11 3

{Tyler's POV}

Josh was playing drums. He was so good. If I wasn't afraid, I would totally be in a band with him. This beat would fit my song Holding On To You, so good. He finished and I opened my eyes, "That's was sick!" I screamed. I didn't mean to scream, I guess I got excited. "Thank you." He blushed scarlet and smiled. "You know... we could make a band. With you playing piano and me playing drums. We could be great!" He bounced on his drum seat as he said this. He was hyper.

"I don't know... I don't do very good in front of people." I said nervously. I hated to let him down, he has been kind to me. He looked disappointed, but quickly covered it up with a smile.

"Oh. I get it. I have anxiety, but just think about it." He patted my arm. I almost cringed, he was so close. I followed him as he went to his living room. We sat in silence, I almost smiled at that, but that would've been weird.

"So.. have you seen the new episode of Kevin Probably Saves The World?" Josh said finally breaking the silence.

What on earth was he talking about? I was so confused, "What?"

"The tv show?" He replied. His face expectant. 

Oh, tv, I totally forgot about tv. "Oh! Yeah. I don't watch tv. It makes me anxious." 'You totally just lied to him!' Taunted a voice in my mind. 'Yeah, but he doesn't need to know that!'

"Oh." Josh looked so disappointed. 'Way to go, Tyler! Two disappointments already in a five minute time span!' A voice said.
'I know I know!' I said back to it. They all laughed at my impatience. I looked at the clock on the wall, we had been there for quite a while. Hours, in fact.

'You better go home soon! Master is not going to be very happy!' Two voices chimed at the same time. 'It will be fine!' I told them. But even I know that wouldn't be the case.

'He's calling!' All the voices said.
I could hear him, I could feel him. The icy chill ran from my hand to my spine.
I had to leave! 'You're in trouble!' One of the voices said in a singsong voice. They all started laughing. I could see them now, all pointing their clawed fingers and laughing at me! The house seemed so claustrophobic, the walls closing in. I couldn't breathe. I got up suddenly. I needed to leave and I needed to leave now! "I- I'm g-gonna go."

"Are you okay?" Josh asked. I could hear the disappointment mixed with concern in his voice. I couldn't meet his eyes. " Y-yeah I I'm gr-great." My voice shook as I talked. My body shook, but I tried to control it but I couldn't.
"Tyler you don't look okay. What's wrong?"  I heard Josh speak, but his voice was so far away. I was so gone now. To far, he couldn't stop me now. I had to get out before he saw something he shouldn't. I ran for his door and swung open his door and made a mad sprint to my house. I opened the door and slung my cardigan off. I went up stairs nearly breaking my neck as I went. I stumbled into my room and lit a cream colored candle. 'For protection.' I explained. But the voices where silent. They were scared and so was I.

I sat down on the rug in the middle of my room just in the nick of time.
"Where have you been?" Said a deep voice. A icy chill ran down me, a cold sweat beaded on my brow.
"I've been out at a neighbors house, Master."
He 'tsked' and came around me, his long robes trailing the ground.
"Tyler, what should I do with you?" His manipulative voice said.  I dared to look into his blood red eyes. He smiled, showing his rotten, pointed teeth.
"I- I don- don't know, Master." I trembled.

He reached his hand out of his onyx robes and grabbed my wrist. He smiled a psychopathic smile. His hand grazed my palm leaving a small, silver trinket.

"Please, no sir! No Master!"

His smile fell, replaced by a sinister glare. "Do. It." 

"I- Please no!"

"DO IT!!!" He bellowed.

I finally saw I had no chance. I took the item in my fingers and held it on my wrist. I closed my eyes, I hated this. The cold metal chilled me. I slowly slid the razor across my wrist, the pain slowly making its way to me. I made one cut.

"Another one." Said Master.

I had given up, I knew it was no good to argue with him. He was in control. Not me.

I made another cut, the blood ran down my forearm. Master dipped his fingers into the blood and put his finger into his mouth. "Mmm." He moaned. "An innocents blood." He laughed gleefully. "Another one."
I made cut after cut until He finally said, "Enough." I stopped, finally being able to breathe. He wiped the blood into a small, glass bottle and put the cork inside. He tucked it into his bosom, "For later." His evil voice said.
I thought I was done, so I tried to get up. "Don't move!" He boomed. "Did you think that was it?"
I gulped. This is gonna be bad.
He roughly grabbed my wrist, and touched the marking that claimed me as his. That's when I lost my humanity. I fell into my 'Dark Spot' and he was left to control me. There was no coming back from this.

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