5 :.: Secrets And The Abyss

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{Josh's POV}

I opened my eyes to be greeted by darkness. Pitch black darkness. There was a terrible aching pain at the back of my head. I reached to touch the spot and I touched something sticky and wet. I pulled my hands back and couldn't see anything, not even my hand. So I brought my hand to my nose, "It's blood." I shakily said. I looked around but saw nothing, "Where am I?" I asked no one in particular. Then I remembered. Tyler. Cuts. Weird symbol. Shadows. Oh. Crap. "Tyler?" I called out. My voice echoed around in the dark. I was all alone. I felt for my back pocket and took out my phone. It had two bars. Great! But my battery was at twenty percent. I opened the dial pad and saw the unfinished sequence 9-1 so I finished it and hit -1 and hit the call button. I put my phone to my ear and heard the ringing. "Nine-one-one state your emergency." I heard the lady on the other end say. "Yes. Hello? SomethinghappenedIdon'tknowwhereIam." I rambled without taking a breath.
"Slow down sir. Tell me what happened."

"I went to my neighbors house because I concerned about him and his door was open and I felt something bad happened. I went upstairs and went in his room and I saw him! It looked like he was in a trance and there was cuts on his arm and he wouldn't answer me or anything. And then someone knocked me out! I don't know where I am it's all black please help me!!" I talked fast and started crying.

"Is this a prank?" Asked the lady.

"No! No ma'am! Please come quickly. I'm so scared!"

"Sir, the dispatch are already on their way." The lady hung up. I put my phone into my pocket. Ten percent now. "Tyler!" I called again. I heard a faint voice say, "Here." His voice was so quiet and scratchy. He sounded like he had given up hope. "Where are you?" I called.
"You won't be able to find me." He said, in a dead tone. "I will follow your voice. Just talk to me."
"Okay." He said, "I'm sorry Josh."
"Sorry about what?"
"I'm sorry that I brought you into this."
He sighed, "I'm sorry that you met me."
His voice cracked and it dawned on me he was crying.
"Aw Tyler don't cry!"
"I, I can't help it." He cried.
I trudged forward following the sounds of his sobs, and found him. I got on my knees and hugged him. He was soggy from tears and I suspected blood. I wrapped my arms around him and he held onto me like it was the end of the world, which it might possibly be. I sat next to him and he leaned on me.
"So...how do we get out of this place?" I looked down at him, his eyes forward staring at nothing, a few tears escaped the edge of his eye.
"I, I'm not sure. I've never came home late before." He sighed, his hair blowing upwards.
"Hm. There must be a way out. Right?" I looked around. "If there's a will there's a way." Tyler mumbled.

We sat there thinking of a way out, but we could come up with no ideas.
"That's it, I'm throwing in the towel. I have no ideas." I threw my hands down on my thighs. Tyler nodded and sighed.
"So. Where's your parents?" I asked, assuming it was a simple question.
His eyes widened and he started shaking ever so slightly.
"Tyler? Are you okay? Should I have not asked that?" He looked at me and shook his head, "It's okay Josh. I guess you should know. It's a long story, one that I've never told anyone." He stopped and collected himself, took a huge gulp of air and began, "When I was six my mom died. She was the best mom ever and I loved her so much. My dad was great too, but when mom died he took it roughly. So to cover up how pain he started drinking and doing drugs, somehow trying to mask the pain. My dad was a super nice and friendly guy, but on drugs he was a monster. One day he came home flat out drunk, I had accidentally broken a picture frame and he got mad, he beat me till I was bloody and locked me inside the dog kennel in the garage. He left me there for four days...

"That summer I didn't get a chance to mourn the death of my mother. I was suddenly to abandon my childlike ways and grow up. I had to be an adult.

"As I got older, my dad became more abusive. He would beat me to a bloody pulp. I would go to school tired and depressed, and the kids wanted nothing to do with me. They wanted nothing to do with the weird loner kid.

"The kids at my school weren't mean to me, but they avoided me and the teachers looked at me so pitifully, like I was a puppy left in a thunderstorm. Which I guess was sorta accurate.

"So in my Junior year of high school, I got a job and I vowed to myself that as soon as I turned eighteen I would get a place for myself. I would finally be free from the pain and abuse of my past. And, I guess that's it."

I was silent for a few seconds, "Wow. I'm sorry."

"It's my childhood, I can't take it back." Tyler says sadly.


The chapters titles are the characters POV.

It is confusing I will change it soon.
Meanwhile if you feel like there's something you missed, read back because it is a possibility.

Comment on how I can improve!
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