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Few weeks passed

Ming noticed a big difference coming from his wife, he seems more energetic, eating more than before, a little chubbier than before (but don't tell Kit), aka giving signs of being healthy, which Ming is grateful of. He's not saying Kit is unhealthy, but this Kit is not like the old Kit, anyway, it's hard to explain, just see (or read) for yourself.

Ever since Kit is taking those vits Beam gave him, he slighty changed, not a negative way of change but a positive one, he just can't pinpoint correctly. For example, the one mentioned above, Kit is eating more than before, not an enormous amount but only more than before, he sometimes become sensitive about a certain smell or fragrance, but the only thing that didn't change is his attitude, not that Ming's complaining but the change is better for both of them.

He saw Beam a few times when he entered the hospital to either drop or pick his wife from work, and he could also say that Beam is getting a little bit chubbier too, but still energetic as before. He could also sense that Forth was smiling these past few months, which is rather odd, given that he was a head hazer and not the type of person who smiles that often, unless Beam is involved, so he's just guessing that they have a good sex life for Forth to be all-smiles, but who is he to judge, he's just married just like them. He shrugged off the thought and went to present.

He is on his way to pick up his Kitkat for their lunch date as promised, and he can't suppress the smile written on his face as he drives his car to a flower shop, a little gift to his wife of course. Once the flowers was on his hands, he immediately rushed to the hospital for his appointment. As soon as he spot a parking space infront of the hospital, he noticed a familiar car parked next to him. He immediately ran to the entrance and was greeted by the med gang, with his dear bestfriend, Wayo and his senior Forth, seated beside their wives, only Kit was left.

As soon as Ming saw his wife, he flashed a million dollar smile at him and hold the flowers infront of Kit.

"Here, Kitkat, a gift for you." Ming said as he pecked Kit's cheeks and handed the flowers to his wife.

Kit was flustered red, "Ai'ba! No need for flowers, but thanks." He said as he stands up and received the flowers.

"P'Pha, P'Forth, P'Beam, and Yo, we'll be going now." Ming waied at them and hold Kit's hand and went out.


After their lunch, Ming drove Kit to the hospital. As soon as they entered the hospital parking lot, Kit felt a little bit dizzy, for some unknown reasons, he shrugged the thought and went on. After bidding their goodbyes to each other, Ming watched Kit as he disappeared from his sight, he then went on his way to work.


Evening came and Ming fetched his Kitkat. On their way home, Kit requested Ming to buy some ice cream since it's been so long since he tasted some. As an obedient husband, one must obey the orders or request of the wife, and so Ming brought a gallon of Cookies and Cream flavoured ice cream as of requested by Kit. Arriving at home, Kit happily exited the car while bringing the ice cream with his hand and dashed to the kitchen to start digging in, Ming happily followed his wife inside and saw that Kit already prepared a cup of ice cream for him. He saw Kit indulging the ice cream, so he started eating his ice cream and swiftly moving to Kit's side, they started conversing about their day and some other little details.


Ming awoke the next morning smelling something a little bit burned, he stood up in his knees and observe the surrounding, Kit was not beside him and the other bed was cold. His Kitkat was probably up early, but for what reason? He wondered. He scurry to the door and descendent the stairs, there he saw Kit cooking food, a sigh of relief escape his mouth and he move briskly to Kit's back enveloping his waist and nuzzling his neck to Kit's.

"Ai'ba! That's dangerous you know." Kit remarked.

"You should get used to it by now na~ I've been doing this since."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Kit answered and went back to his cooking.

"How come your up early?" Ming asked as he loosen his hug to look at Kit.

"I got hungry, I didn't want to wake you up. So yeah." Kit managed to explain, earning a nod from Ming.

After a while, Kit finished and Ming helped to set out the plates. Both are having a day off so they decided to spend their time unwinding, relaxing, cuddling and stuff of course. They were having a great time when Kit suddenly collapsed while they were on their way to their bed, Ming was alarmed, frightened, scared, horrified, he didn't know what to do. He carried Kit to their room and carefully laid him on the bed, he called his family doctor and had to wait for him. Although Kit is a doctor himself, some circumstances need another doctor such as this one. After a few minutes, the doctor appeared in the threshold, Ming opened the door and welcomed him and led him to Kit.

After checking Kit's condition, the doctor was awed. He hadn't seen a case like Kit's before, he saw the news but not sure if there could exist such thing, he admitted to himself.

"I've done checking the condition of your wife sir, but I could say I'm perturbed by his condition." The doctor stated. Ming was confused as to what the doctor said, at same time worried.

"What do you mean doc? Is Kitkat's condition incurable? Has it become worst?" Ming was antsy.

"No sir, not at all. I'm saying it's a one of a kind disease, even I'm not sure if it is a disease at all." Ming was taken aback, what is the doctor saying? He's totally confused.

"I'm saying........"

[A/N] This chapter is done, I hope you like it. What do you think happened to Kit? And what is his 'disease'?

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