Best Birthday Ever

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Pulling her hair up into her usual ponytail, Tania straightened her lifeguard uniform and stared at herself in the mirror.

Slightly wavy, dark hair streaked with brown fell down to the middle of her back, a few strands framing her tanned, round face, along with slightly pursed lips. 

Well, I guess it's a happy birthday to plain old me.

She twisted the silver bracelet Hadrian had given her on their first anniversary in her fingers. One year ago, when she was nineteen and naive and ignorant, she'd thought Hadrian would be her happily ever after. Look how that turned out.

Scrolling through the gallery on her phone, she zoomed into the image that showed the day's lifeguard's roster, and as she caught sight of Whippet, she couldn't help the smile that graced her lips, oh Whip, how things have changed.

Slinging her bag over her shoulder, Tania slipped out of her bedroom door.


"Are you fucking kidding me?" she groused, furiously turning the doorknob of the lifeguard tower. She leant her entire five foot three body against the door, pushing with all her might.

It didn't budge. Brilliant.

Sighing impatiently, she turned on her phone and typed furiously. Whip? Why on earth is the door still locked? It's a quarter to seven!

Babe, what do ya mean? I'm in here right now with Yatesy and all the boys

No freakin way, I've been trying to get this bloody thing open for the past five minutes

Seriously, just open it now

"You better not be playing another one of your pranks now Whip," she ground out, twisting the doorknob.

"Are you kidding-" Tania's scream was muffled by the hundreds of balloons that'd engulfed her entire body, toppling into the balloons the second she took her first step. A balloon exploded under her feet.

"Holy crap-" she yelled, batting the balloons away wildly as she tried to save herself from falling flat on her face, knocking over a spinal board.

"Relax babe," she felt a familiar hand grasp her arm, pulling her up, and came face to face with Whippet.


As she finally regained her balance, Tania caught sight of the banner that hung from the rail at the observation deck.


Below the bold text read a dozen of handwritten wishes. 

happy birthday, Nia! have heaps of fun! Yatesy

finally into the 20s now! have a good one!  get smashed! Kerrbox

I haven't met you yet but im sure we'll have heaps of lovely memories together as the only women in the team! happy birthday! xoxo Jules

happy birthday to my one and only<3  Whip 

"Hold on, you organized this?" Tania  gaped slack-jawed at the banner.

"Happy birthday, babe," Whippet gazed intensely into her eyes, squeezing her hand.

Tania flung her arms around his neck and sealed her mouth over his.

"You have no idea how much that meant to me," she looked up at him, her brown eyes sparkling.

"So can we pop the balloons now?" Maxi asked boldly. Ignoring the glare Whippet shot him, he merely shrugged, "it's going to take forever."

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