Dropping the Bombshell

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As Tania got off the bus, dread crept through her body when she saw the light pouring through the front windows. 

"Great, I get to break the news to Mum and Dad during dinner," she muttered. Trudging up to the front door, she rung the door and waited with bated breath for Mum to open the door...

Mum's eyes flashed dangerously, and as her lips pressed together, Tania knew she'd be in a lot of trouble. A lot.

"Where- have- you- been?" The fury in her voice was unmistakable. Tania couldn't help but wince at the sheer volume. Clearing her throat, she said, "Mum, the thing is, I - I just got a job as a lifeguard at-"

"A LIFEGUARD? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Mum's screams have always been the worst. Then Dad joined in.

"Tania, are you serious? You know perfectly well that your mother and I want you to study medicine in a top university, not- not being a lifeguard! Besides, lifeguarding is a job for men, so you better forget about this job and concentrate on getting into university!"

"For God's sake Dad!" Tania was running out of patience. "When will you stop running my life for me? This is my life, and being a lifeguard is what I'm passionate about! I've no interest in becoming a doctor, and I'll be at Bondi whether you like it or not!"

Blinking away the sudden tears that welled up in her eyes, Tania hurried back to her room, slamming the door with a huge bang.

A/N: I know this chapter may seem a little boring, but I promise it'll get better soon and the boys in blue will soon make an appearance. Thank you to everyone who has read my story :) Please vote, comment and follow!


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