End of Season

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The chill in the wind brought a cripness to Bondi. The mass crowds of tourists had departed, which left the locals, jogging, exercising, and just living every moment. Winter was here.

"I've been thinking long and hard about this," Hoppo said as soon as Tania sat down in the chair opposite of him. Tania could feel her heart going a hundred miles per hour, what would her future be?

"This season as a trainee you've proved that you're great in the water, capable of handling serious cases like that resus, and you can fit in with all the other guys." He paused slightly, so what was the verdict?

"I've decided to keep you for next year-" Hoppo couldn't finish his sentence when Tania immediately leant across the table to hug him fiercely.

"Thank you so much, Hop, thank you!" she could barely contain her delight.

"Anyway," he cleared his throat, "you will have to work through the winter to get your jet ski license and advanced resuscitation certificate, but yeah, you're through!" he smiled.

"I'M THROUGH!" Tania launched into the arms of Whippet, who was waiting outside of Hoppo's office, along with Chappo and Deano.

"Did he say anything else?" Chappo asked.

"I'll have to work through the winter but yeah, stoked!" she fist-pumped Deano, then they all headed back to the tower, ready to share the good news.

"You wanna go for a surf later, Nia?" Whippet gave her a sidelong glance under his binoculars.

"Surf? I've never surfed in my life mate!" Tania laughed. Having grown up in the suburbs, she only went to the beach occasionally, so learning to surf would be difficult.

Whippet dropped his binoculars. "Are you kidding me?" his eyes were wide with shock, "How can you-" he shook his head, "I'm teaching you to surf this afternoon for sure!"

A couple hours later, Reidy, who was overweight as a kid, joined Tania on her surf lesson with Whippet.

"We'll paddle out on my board and I'll try to teach you how to surf. Nervous?" he asked, as they walked into the chilly water.

"Got a nice view, Whip?" Reidy yelled from his board, as they waited for a set. Tania was laying stomach down on Whippet's board, in matching red cross back bikini top and bottoms. She hadn't bothered to wear a wetsuit, but it looks like she should've.

"Whip?" she glanced backwards, only to see him avoiding her eyes. "Ryan? What the hell did Reidy mean?!"

"Uh- nothing- look here comes a set!" Whippet said quickly, and they began paddling.

"When you're on the wave, just try to balance and then stand up, I'll be there if anything happens, alright?" He gave his last words of advice.

The wave loomed a few feet away- "NOW!" Whippet roared.

Holding out her hands in front of her to maintain balance, Tania could now feel the adrenaline rush surfing gave that all the guys raved about- the salty sea water sprayed droplets on her face, and she felt like she was floating on air, like she was one with the wave. Wobbling slightly, she managed to stand up for a few seconds, and she whooped in delight-

Submerged in the white surf, Tania could see nothing as the weight of the wave crashed onto her. Forcing herself to be calm, she managed to hold her breath for what seemed like a year, and scrambled to the surface, gasping for air.

"RYAN CLARK! How dare you-" Tania's furious tirade was cut short when she spotted her red top floundering, floating away from her.

"SH*T! Oh god,-" clamping one arm over her now bare chest, she scrambled towards the top, that was now getting washed further away.

"STOP LAUGHING REIDY, HELP ME GET IT!" Reidy guffawing with laughter on his board was doing her no favours, and Tania had no choice but to grit her teeth, then march out of the water with her arms covering her chest, looking like a total idiot.

"I'm a hundred percent positive that the boys are howling with laughter in the tower right now," she muttered angrily, shaking her head.

Picking her traitorous top up, she finally spotted Whippet, a mischievous smile graced across his handsome features.

"You definitely did that on purpose, Ryan," she eyed Whippet with an arched eyebrow.

"Aw, I didn't do that on purpose, Nia. Just forgive me, alright?" he pleaded, his eyes widening, like a young boy begging for candies.

"Yeah, but that moment I realized my top was gone was just the most embarrassing ever, so I'm still going to get you back!" she rolled her eyes, as she struggled to tie the knot on her cross back top.

"Here, let me help you," he said softly, brushing her fingers away, and tying a knot deftly.

Hearing a wolf-whistle, they both looked up, and saw Reidy with his board under his arm. "What do you want, mate?" Tania was still irritated with him.

"Oh nothing-" he smirked, then ran a hand through his blond hair, "Whip says he didn't mean to tip you off his board, but guess what," he lowered his voice so that only Tania could hear, "he liked what he saw."

"I'm getting you back for sure, Reidy! You better watch your back!" she yelled after his retreating figure.

"What did good ol' Reidy say?" Whippet asked curiously. 

"Nah- nothing, just him being annoying," she shrugged, but deep inside she wasn't so sure. What if Reidy' words were true?

A/N: So the pace is starting to pick up a lil bit now, hope you liked what you read:) I'd love to get some feedback, and please vote and comment!


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