Straya Day

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"Big day ahead, guys, so everyone needs to be on the top of their game," Hoppo briefed all the lifeguards in the tower. The boys all readily agreed- Australia Day was typically one of the busiest days of the year, and no one wanted a tragedy to happen today.

"Way to be patriotic, Nia," Max Ayshford poked her cheek, where she put a tattoo of the Australian flag on.

"You should've given me one of those, so I can put it on my arse," Jake winked cheekily. 

"And that is a sight we're all looking forward to," Beardy said sarcastically, turning their attention back to the water.


"50 rescues in a morning!" Jake high fived Tania- through the radio, the guys on the beach had already done over 50 rescues and Australia Day was in full force.

Chewing on her sandwich while still keeping a hawk's eye on the water, Tania jumped when the radio crackled-

"Rhino to Nia in the tower- this bloke just came up to me and said his friend is pretty cut up at Flat Rock, so I need you to get the medi kit for me as he's not in a good way," Harries voice was uncharacteristically serious.

"Copy that, Harries, I'll meet you there in a few minutes," Tania slung the medi kit over the shoulder, then jumped straight in the rhino parked umder the tower, and raced to Flat Rock.

A large crowd of teenagers had already gathered. Switching off the engine, she hopped and leaped over the rocks, trying to make her way through the crowd.

"Excuse me, move away please, I'm a lifeguard..."

Harries was kneeling next to a bloke who seemed to be around 18 or 19, and the massive gashes that marred his body took Tania's breath away for a second.

"Alright, now we're going to give you some oxygen to make you feel a little better," Harries placed the mask over his head, while his friends watched on anxiously.

"So how did you manage to cut youself that badly?" Carefully cleaning the blood seeping out of a gash in his leg, Tania tried to distract the guy, who was already wincing in pain.

"Oh Hunter here, " one of his friend's smirked, then lowered his voice, "was trying to impress this chick, and tried to jump into this massive wave, but he missed it and ended up being a cheese grater!"

Hiding her laugh, "Well, these cuts are certainly the most magnificent I've ever seen, so she should be impressed," Tania joked.

Tucking the end of the strip under the bandage, Tania gulped as she turned her attention to the largest wound of all, a huge gash across Hunter's lower abdomen.

"You alright there, Nia?" Harries' ill-suppressed amusement was evident, as he watched a flustered Tania nervously adjust Hunter's swimmers, her hands trembling slightly.

"Damn it Harries, I'm trying to focus!" her hot red cheeks did nothing to stop Harries' laughter.

"Enjoying your view, Hunter?" Harries inquired a much better-looking Hunter slyly.

"Mate, you have no idea how lucky you are," one of Hunter's friends muttered.

Pretending not to hear their mutterings, Tania finally finished bandaging the wound, "I'm done now, but this gash here would probably require stitches, so you better head across the street to the medical centre," she looked him in the eye, picking up the bloodied cotton pads and bandages.

"Thanks, uh, for helping me," Hunter stood up, his friend's arm slung around his shoulders.

"That's quite alright, next time just find a less dangerous way to impress a girl, I'm sure it'll be heaps more effective," she winked.

"But if you cut yourself on rocks, a beautiful girl will come and fix you up, so it's a win-win sintuition, isn't it mate?" Harries was not being helpful.

Hunter and his mates' mumbled words and red-tinted cheeks said it all.

"I hate you," Tania shot a glare at Harries, who was whistling nonchalantly.

"Come on, Nia, that bloke couldn't look away from you. It was hilarious."

Jumping into the Rhino, she sighed, "I don't think being a father has settled you down one bit."

"Course not, Nia, we all gotta have fun before we die, right?" Chuckling merrily, Harries' brown eyes twinkled with amusement.

A/N: Thank you to all my readers! I hope you liked this chapter-please vote and comment!


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