It's No Winter Wonderland

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Rain streamed down Tania's face as she rushed back to the tower, clutching the Chinese takeaway to her chest, desperate to avoid the tumbling torrent.

"Where the hell did the rain come from?" she slammed the door, soaked through the skin.

"Sorry we had to get you to buy lunch for us, Nia," Azza said apologetically, taking the crushed boxes of takeaway she had desperately tried to protect.

"It was looking fine this morning," Deano peered out of the windows, then winced when a crack of thunder echoed, "but I just heard it on the radio that the severe thunderstorm warning was issued."

"God, I'm all soaked through," Tania grimaced as she squeezed water out of her blue uniform.

"It's lookin' to be a pretty quiet arvo eh?" Azza chewed on a spring roll, gazing thoughtfully at the stormy sky.

"I don't think anyone's going to be out today-the weather's just awful," Tania sighed. "Talk about a winter wonderland!" she settled down on a chair.

"Any plans for the hols?" Tania asked. The full time lifeguards each had around 2 weeks of leave each year, and she'd heard Azza talking about a trip to Bali a few weeks later.

"Yeah, I'm going to Bali with my girl for a couple of days. Whippet and Mouse are coming too, you interested?" he gave her a sidelong glance.

"Sounds good, mate, I'll talk to Hoppo about it, you've got everything settled?" Tania hadn't been to Bali since she was 10, and although she loved her job, the mental toll on her could be quite exhausting, and she was eager for a break.

"How long have you and Jo been dating?" Tania asked curiously. She'd heard quite a lot about Joelle, Azza's girlfriend.

"Oh well," the normally composed Azza started to blush, "we actually met a year ago in a bar in Bali and kinda hit it off," he scratched his head, "then 3 months ago I saw Jo again at Macca's and I asked her out," he smiled.

"Aw, that's a cute story," Tania pretended to swoon. "I'm jealous that she has someone to keep her warm, it's just awfully cold outside," she shuddered.

A huge clap of thunder echoed, but out of the blue, the radio crackled.

"MATE SOMEONE JUST GOT STRUCK BY LIGHTNING!" Deano, who had gone to second ramp to investigate about a broken ankle, suddenly yelled over the radio.

"I'm now at Bondi Pavillion and some blokes helped me bring the patient inside! Get the defib!" Azza leaped out of his chair, grabbed the defib and medical bag with seconds to spare.

"Take care of the beach, Nia, and call an ambo right now!" he raced out of the tower.

"Copy that, Az, keep me updated!" she yelled, her fingers dialing furiously.

Sweeping over the mile-long beach quickly to make sure no one was in trouble, Tania asked for an update.

"What's the latest on the patient, Az?" Tania asked, clutching the radio.

"Nia, the patient is around 45, male, and- we just got him back with one shock," he paused, breathing heavily. "The thing is we need a spinal board and the collar, coz his friend said he hit his head pretty hard when he fell, but we can't leave the tower alone..." he trailed off.

With only three lifeguards on duty, Tania was the only one left to monitor the entire beach. But handing over the spinal board and collar meant deserting her post, and she had no idea what to do.

"Nia, listen to me," Deano's firm voice came over the radio. "You've got to stay in the tower. We've got the bloke stabilized, and just give the board and collar to the ambo when they arrive, alright?"

"Thanks, Deano," she took a deep breath, not realizing how tense she was.

"Good job boys!" she hugged Azza and Deano, both looking very relieved, as they waved off the ambo.

"That was a hard one!" Deano sighed, wiping his brow. "Yeah, and there were only the two of us!" Azza clapped him on the back.

"What's next after a resuscitation on a gloomy cold winter day, eh?" Deano grimaced.

"Hot chocolate, of course!" Tania cheered.

A/N: Not going to lie, my inspiration was running low these couple of weeks, I hope this chapter didn't turn out too bad:/ Would love to get some ideas from you guys:) and please vote and comment!


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