Chapter Forty- Eight...

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A/N - I am adding Demi's Point of View. I will leave a note when it's switched back :)

Ellen with Demi.

- One Month Later -

Waking up in my own bed for the past month has been good. I haven't been out without a disguise, I don't really want to be seen yet. I haven't notified my fans I'm okay but that's definitely something I'm doing today, it's about time. Plus, it's my first interview since rehab so I owe it to them. Marissa has stayed here most nights making sure I'm okay. I saw Maddie the day of my release, I stayed with my parents for a week after my release from the facility, it was great, I made them proud whilst making myself proud. I'm trying to locate the words what to say to my fans...

Dear my Lovatics,

I know most of you are wondering why I haven't been on social media for almost four months, maybe some of you guessed why. I'm aware that video got leaked of me and that's one of the reasons I haven't been on social media, although having sex is natural and I'm not ashamed to say I'm intimate with people. Taking drugs and cheating isn't natural and wasn't me, considering my past I thought it was right to have a few off days in reference to my moods, which it is okay to but not 4 months. I was cheating on my partner for a while, yes, I admit that and I also admit it's okay to make mistakes. I know what I did was wrong and in no way do I want to let out that sort of image. I have spent the last 3 months in a treatment facility to get clean and to reflect on my mistakes. I am starting fresh. I hope you can forgive me and continue this journey with me. I do apologise immensely to the people I have hurt, to Sophia, to my family and friends and to you, my Lovatics who I let down. I love you all.

Demi, xo.

I screenshot it and post it on instagram and twitter. Instantly getting comments of love and praise. I decide to read them later and get ready for my interview today. Marissa is coming with me for moral support. Arriving at the studios, I decide to remove my disguise and let the paparazzi get me, to let everyone know I'm okay and well. I see some fans already lining up so I wave and walk over "Hey Demi" I hear a couple fans say, I smile and take photos with them "I hope you're okay and well, we won't ever leave you" A girl says, I give her a warm smile "Thank you so much sweet girl" I say giving her a hug. I walk inside the studios once waving goodbye to the fans.

- Ellen -
"Please welcome my dearest friend Demi Lovato" Ellen welcomes, I smile walking out, I wave towards the audience before sitting in front of Ellen "Good morning" Ellen says "Hi!!" I smile, once the audience had calmed down "How are you?" Ellen asks "I'm well thank you" I smile "So we invited you to clear up the things, give us a little insight of your last 4 months and your future plans, am I right?" Ellen states "Basically" I chuckle "So a few fans had speculated you went back to Rehab, can you talk us through that?" She asks "I did, I went to a facility here in LA and I went to get clean and to sober up, I released a statement before the show apologising for what had happened" I say, Ellen nods "So you admit you relapsed?" She asks, I nod "I would call it a fall down, I gave into my cravings and I'm sure you're all thinking 6 years, what cravings but they were always there, I just controlled them and then when it was right in front of my I took it and yeah" I say reminiscing on my relapse "It takes a lot of courage to admit to a problem and we're really proud you did it. Can you talk us through the Sophia situation?" She asks, I nod "I'm sure many of you have seen the video of me. I did mess up my relationship with Sophia" I state "What was Sophia's reaction?" She asks "She was angry, which I expected. I expected her to hate me, I hated myself for ever doing that to her. I loved her, I do love her" I state, Ellen nods "What is it like, obviously before you had her and you guys were in love but now, what is it like without her and seeing her with Vanessa Morgan?" Ellen asks, I look at the picture of Sophia and I and I smile "Before this happened I had her to rely on and to love me on days I didn't love myself and she had me. Now, I have to find who I was without her and put it into my recovery. As long as Vanessa is making Sophia happy I don't have anything to say about it" I smile weakly "Who made you seek treatment or was it just you saying this is it" She asks me "It was a mixture of both. Sophia showed my parents the video of me in hope they'd help me, which they reached out on multiple occasions and I declined it saying I didn't need it. At this point Sophia and I were no longer in contact. My parents reached out to Sophia again and pleaded she tried to help me. I would assume Sophia was hesitant considering we were dating, she didn't need to help me anymore, but did anyway. She told my mom to give me an option, I either seek help or I don't see my little sister until I have and that was my reality check, I had already lost my girlfriend to my mistakes, I wasn't about to lose my little sister too. I pleaded and I begged Sophia got me help, I begged she sent me to rehab, and she did. She made me stop taking the drugs while she stayed at my place till I could go in. She stayed with me right up until she couldn't anymore and I'm grateful for her" I say, tears were in my eyes "Did you try and take anything whilst she wasn't looking?" Ellen asks me, she has tears in her eyes too. "I did, she was recording Riverdale and I had to go with her. So while she was recording I went into her trailer and I lined it up and I was contemplating, I really was and I decided I was going to take it but before I had a chance she barged through the door and stopped me. She saved my life. If Sophia hadn't of stepped in, I definitely would've killed myself or overdosed by now. She doesn't like to take the credit, but she did save my life and I will forever be thankful for our time together as friends and as lovers" I state smiling "We are super super happy and proud Sophia was there for you when she didn't have to be, she has a big heart and we hope you and Sophia can come together as friends or as lovers and give us beautiful pictures again!" Ellen says lightening the mood "Thank you" I say laughing, I wipe my eyes. The rest of the interview is me talking about future music plans...

- End of Ellen and Demi's point of View -

I watch Demi's first interview since leaving
treatment a month ago. I also read her statement, I liked the picture and smile. "So what did you think about Demi's interview and statement?" Vanessa asks stroking my hair "I thought it was sweet, she's made noticeable changes and I'm proud of her" I state, she nods "Would this change anything? Are you gonna go back to her" She asks "I'm not sure. I want her to get better and focus a little more on her recovery" I say "But you could help her?" Vanessa says, I look at her "I thought you wanted us to get together?" I say to her "It's evident you are still in love with Demi and still want her, I'm not going to pull you away from her because of that. You guys are end game" She says, I frown and face the TV... Is she right? 

!Hey Guys!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Demi is finally out of rehab and she seems to be doing well, let's hope nothing gets in her way and ruins it...

Is Sophia finally ready to give Demi that chance? Is she ready to forgive? 

Don't forget to VOTE and comment any ideas/suggestions I am open to them

All the love, M x

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