Chapter Three.

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Aged 16.
"It's terminal, I'm sorry. You have 6 months to live" said the doctor. Paris's hand gripping into mine as tears fall down her face. I look at my older girlfriend as we start to walk out of the hospital and head towards the car.

"You'll always be my number one girl, Soph, nobody will ever replace you" She states as we lay in our bed. "I don't want this to end, I don't want this relationship to end because of what's happening. You made me into me... We are happy, why has it got to end?" I ask. She kisses my forehead "I've left almost everything to you. I stopped your parents paying for your University Fee, I took it over. Just so you will go to University when I'm gone. I love you Sophia" she whispers... I let tears fall down my face and she hugs me closer "I can't lose you" I cry, she kisses my head again "You won't really lose me, I'll always be with you..."

July 30th - Still in flashback.

"She's gone..." the doctor says, I almost instantly break down in tears "Miss, her body is going to start to decompose very quickly, we need to take her" The male porter states, I nod and lean down to kiss her now stone cold lips. I walk out of the room crying...

Present Day - July 30th.

2 years. 24 months. 730 days. I haven't seen her in 730 days. I walk down the stairs and see my parents sat at the table, I see them look towards me and smile, weakly "We know today isn't the best of da-" I immediately cut her off "Mom, leave it, please" I state. I take a slice of toast before getting my gym bag and going to the gym. I jog down to the gym and put my gloves on. I go into my private little bit and start beating the bag, all the anger I have built up and all the pain from missing Paris is coming out right now. I feel someone grab the bag "What the heck?!" I say, I look who the person is and it's Marissa "Take 5" She says. "I'm fine! Let me do my thing" I reply before putting my headphones back in and continuing. She pulls me away "Stop. I know what today is, and that isn't going to help" She states. I look at her and she pulls me into a hug "I can't do this without her" I cry. "You can, you can do this without her, she would want you to be happy, she wouldn't want you to cry over her, you know she didn't like when you cried" I look at her "She was my everything Marissa, she was the only one who brought me true joy and didn't care about my parents fame and fortune" I reply, she nods and we sit in a small office. We begin talking about Paris and how we were when we were together "Everything we did was passionate, every word she spoke while she lay dying was beautiful and she is the only one that could've made me feel that way" I say smiling at the memories we shared together "You will feel that love again, maybe not yet, but you will and Paris would've wanted that, she would've wanted you to move on and be happy" Marissa replies. I lay my head on her shoulder. I wish for one more day with Paris. I wish our love was everlasting.

July 31 - Meeting Demi again.

I wake up, yesterday still playing on my mind, I look over at the picture of Paris.

Instantly remembering the day I smile at how beautiful she was and how bad I miss her

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Instantly remembering the day I smile at how beautiful she was and how bad I miss her. I was almost 15 when we met, we spent a few months getting to know each other until I turned 15 and we knew we fell in love, she was a lot older than me, she was 18 when we met and practically 20 when she died, she was and always will be the love of my life, she for-filled every need, whether that was sexually, lovingly, mindfully, any need I had, she made it her priority to make me happy. I moved in with her almost a month into our official relationship, I was barely 15, but I knew I loved her, I knew it. She took my virginity, she was my first kiss, she was my everything and it pains me that she's gone. I kiss her picture and mouth 'i love you' before going to change for the day. I decided to have a coffee with Demi, it was quickly decided as I needed to get my mind off of Paris, I needed to not remember her anniversary, not in a bad way just simply because it pained me.

We decided it'd be best if we met in a low-key place due to my non-fame antics. So we met at a restaurant in which she practically hired it out so nobody would find us, which I thought was a nice gesture from her. "Hey, thank you for agreeing to meet with me" I say, she smiles "It's no problem, I really want to be friends!" She replies "I also would like to apologise for the way I behaved towards you, my manners were rude and they won't be tolerated" I say, smiling weakly "Honestly, I understand your situation, don't worry. I just hope you like me enough to befriend me and don't think I'm doing this because I want a fuck what happened at the club was a mistake, Marissa made sure I knew that, she mentioned you're still not over an ex, so I won't push any further" She says, I smile "It's not that I won't like you enough, it's just I don't want to have to put you through meeting in secret places because I don't want to be papped ever, I don't want you to have to make reservations like this so we won't be seen. I know you don't want a 'fuck' and I definitely don't simply because I'm not over my ex, save that for the future" I say, winking before sipping my drink, she chuckles "I don't like my fame either, I don't like not being able to drink coffee in my local Starbucks alone because I'll get ambushed, it's just not something I desired but being able to have the platform I have to speak so wildly about mental health, gives me all the more reason to love the great parts of my success" She says, so... passionately. Some of Demi reminds me of Paris, her physique mainly, how she carries herself with such pride and love. How her hair flows similar to how Paris's did. How passionately she speaks about things she loves.. I miss her more than anything. "Soph" I hear Demi say, tapping my hand, in which that moment I see a flash, followed by multiple others "Really?" I say looking towards her. I shake my head and get up "I knew it was too good to be true" I reply "Sophia, wait. I didn't do this, they must've followed us" She says "Just don't call or contact me again, I don't want to be friends, you're right. I thought you were different and you proved me right, you're not" I say walking out leaving her stood there alone, I walk out of the restaurant a few paps come up to me, and ask me questions "Is Demi your new girlfriend?" "How is Demi?" "How are you and your parents?" "Is she your new Paris?" I look towards the pap that said that knowing what he said was wrong he immediately let's me through and I get into my car, I almost immediately pull out and drive home. Arriving in my bedroom, I sit on my sofa and just cry... cry about how she would make it better.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I decided I'd add 'Paris' into it so you have a little background of Sophia. I hope you like the storyline so far.

Don't forget to vote as it is some sort of feedback for me and I appreciate it a lot. Comment any ideas you have or want to share!

All love, M x

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