Chapter Forty-Two...

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One Month Later.

A/N - this chapter may have some triggering things in. I will insert a '*' when they start and finish. Please note, I know none of this would/has ever happened to Demi or her partners.

It's been a month or so since Coachella and for a good week after Demi and I were so intimate, i dont know why, I'd like to say we were making up for lost time but there wasn't any lost time. Demi has been quite distant for around two weeks now, it's really weird and she doesn't think she's being distant but it's evident, every time I hold her hand in public she pulls away, or if I kiss her in public it's always like she's hesitant, I mean I don't mind about PDA but she doesn't explain after and when we are at each other's houses, she's fine and all over me, i dont know, maybe it's me. "Me and Lani are going to the beach wanna come?" Vanessa asks, I accept telling her I'd meet her there, I invite Dinah because I haven't seen much of her. Arriving there we walk to Vanessa and Lani who are lounged on each other "No Demi?" Vanessa asks, I shake my head "I brought Dinah instead" I reply. We spend a few hours sun-bathing and swimming, I take a lot of pictures of the girls and of the scenery. I hear my phone vibrate and it's two messages...

From Demi Lovato:
Babe, where are you??

To Demi Lovato:
santa monica beach with lani, nessa and dinah.

From Kim:
Hey, watch this when you got time xxx

To Kim:
ok, will do. thanks x

From Demi Lovato:
And you didn't invite me?? :(

To Demi Lovato:
whats the point you're either working or acting like our relationship doesn't exist outside our houses lol

I lock my phone and just enjoy the time with my friends. Me and Kehlani take some cute pictures, same with me and Vanessa. Me and Dinah always take great pictures together so I don't have to worry about that. I post them on my Instagram as I sit back in my car waiting for Dinah.

(photo of me and Dinah)
@sophiajrparker: my best fwend 💗

(photo of me and Vanessa)
@sophiajrparker: my on-screen lover 😍

(photo of me and Kehlani)
@sophiajrparksd: I luhhhhh my lanibear 🐻

Dinah sits in the car and we start driving towards her house "How are you and Demi?" She asks me, I roll my eyes a little "We're good. Although she's very distant with me right now" I answer "What do you mean? Distant?" She states "Yeah, like she's fine with PDA in the house but when we get out it's like she's almost ashamed to hold my hand or kiss me" I state sighing "Have you confronted her about it?" Dinah asks, I nod "She just said I'm thinking to much into it, but I know I'm not, I know my girlfriend" I reply, Dinah nods "Hopefully she's just having a moment, when you start recording Riverdale again you should be able to take your mind of it, maybe it's distance you guys need to bring you closer" Dinah states, I nod "Maybe you're right" I reply. I drop Dinah at her apartment "I'll see you soon, don't leave it so long" She says "I won't I promise. I love you DJ" I say smiling "I love you too Soph" She states closing the door. As I'm driving towards my house I remember the video Kim sent me, I pull over into a local Starbucks, I order some coffee for Demi and I. I park in the parking lot and pull out my phone. I open her messages and press play.

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