SB: The Question

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Sleeping Beauty: The Question

SB Fifteen

I don't know why I wanted to ask more questions about him. I just wanted to know him a lot. Even though I sense that he's familiar to me but I don't know where or when did I meet or see him. That makes me look as if I'm the one who got the amnesia thing. *laughs* Anyway, all I want is to know him a lot lot more. That's it!

(*** - *** - ***)

August 12, 2017

Hi Car,

Persistent din ako akala mo ba?! *laughs* Anyway, mind if I ask. Naasikaso mo na ba ang dapat mong asikasuhin? Saka, totoo bang dahil sakin kaya unti-unting lumilinaw ang mga panaginip mo?

Well, to tell you the truth your name sound familiar to me. I don't know how or why but your name really looks familiar. Oh, well, *shrugs* siguro malilinaw natin lahat sa oras na magkita tayo sa taon mo. 2027. Now I am beginning to get more curious of you. To the point that I wanted to know you a lot that opens me to ask you more questions. Hope you don't mind. *shyly smiles*

I just wanted to know you. *smiles*

From Kez

(*** - *** - ***)

August 12, 2027

Hi Kez,

I don't mind if you ask a lot. *laughs gently* Because I will do the same. I'll ask you back and I hope you don't mind. *smiles gently*

*sighs* Sa totoo lang ang father ko ang tatanungin ko about the details that I wanted to know. But it seems that I can't get it since that I couldn't contact my father at all. *breaths deeply*

Anyway, I still hoping that I can finally remember the things that I've lost. And I hope with your help, I can finally regain it slowly but surely. *smiles*

From Car

(*** - *** - ***)

August 13, 2017

Hi Car,

*laughs* You know what I think, we're click right? *laughs gently*

Well, you can ask me anything. *smiles sweetly* *serious face* But really what is your dream? Mind if I ask about it. Or just think of me as a friend that you can talk too. *smiles* Since that lagi naman tayong nag-uusap (sa sulat nga lang, hehehe!) but still in this simple way we might know little by little about each other.

From Kez

P.S. Let's talk a bit normal from now on. Can we? *smiles gently*

(*** - *** - ***)

August 13, 2027

Hi Kez,

Okay, let's talk like a normal one. *laughs gently* *sighs*

Sa totoo lang, ang lagi kong napapanaginipan ay iyong lagi akong nasa loob ng isang sasakyan. And I was driving it like crazy. But then in the end, I see blur surroundings. That was my first dream but then, when I met you. (Not in person of course.) That's the first time my dream gets clearer.

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