Chapter 47- The Runaway Dinosaur

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MacKenzie's POV

"Whoa, Cisco's meta-human alert app is going crazy." Iris says, looking at the computer as she, Joe, and Henry stand by the desk and I sit on the desk. "Oh, Tony just trashed the hell out of Jitters."

"Now, that is strange." Joe says, looking at the map. "He knocks over a hydrant on 4th and Stevenson, doesn't go in the building, then smashes a Humvee in front of the Big Belly Burger, but doesn't go in the building. Gets to CC Jitters... He actually goes in."

"Yeah, it's like Jitters was his target, but why?" Iris asks.

"When I was in Iron Heights awaiting trial, I had a cellmate who always swore he was gonna break out." Henry says and I walk over to the group as Henry shares the story. "At a pre-trial hearing, he stole a deputy's gun and escaped in a police cruiser. There's a point to this, Joe, I promise. Now, the poor, dumb guy could have gone anywhere, right? But he was apprehended two hours later. Do you know why? 'Cause he went to his old girlfriend's house looking for her."

"So you think that's what Tony's doing, even in the state he's in now?" Joe asks.

"I think people are creatures of habit, sometimes at a level stronger than conscious thought." Henry says.

"No, I don't think that Tony had a girlfriend." Iris says. "I mean, not the way that he was hitting on me when he... He came into Jitters. He's after me again."

"So, when he was after you the first time, where'd you see him next, after Jitters?" Henry asks.

"Home." Joe says. "He came to our house when he took you. Wally's there now." Joe's about to leave until he's stopped by Iris.

"No, no, Dad, this is good." Iris says. "We know where he is, and we know what he wants. That means we know how to beat him."

"How do you propose we do that?" Joe asks.

"We use me as bait to lure him back to S.T.A.R. Labs, where Cisco and Wells can kill him... again." Iris says.

"Mm-mm, mm-mm." Joe shakes his head, not liking the idea.


I walk in and see Cisco finish building the machine. Then, we hear footsteps.

"Cisco!" Iris exclaims as her and Joe run in.

"Is that zombie still behind you?" Cisco asks.

"Good news is we lured Tony back to S.T.A.R. Labs." Joe says.

"Bad news is we lured Tony back to S.T.A.R. Labs." Iris says.

They're both out of breath.

"No, no. This is good." Cisco says. "Okay, sidenote... You both might want to be on this side of the room, especially if you're wearing any jewelry or you have any metal plates in your body."

"Huh?" Iris asks.

"Excuse me?" Joe asks.

"The stray energy from the accelerator reactivated Girder's brain... Well, parts of it, anyway." Cisco says. "So I disassembled our MRI machine to set up these... Electromagnets. So, when Girder walks through that door and gets caught in the field that they generate, it should disrupt the energy wave that turned him Abby Normal."

"Like wiping a hard drive." Iris says.

"Lah-kah-tah!" Cisco exclaims.

Iris and Joe run to the other side of the machine. I join them and Cisco.

"Okay, now, I can only maintain full power for a few seconds, so I can't actually turn this on until he's in the room." Cisco says with his hand over the switch.

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