Chapter 1-The Man Who Saved Central City

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MacKenzie's POV

Welcome back, everyone. My name is MacKenzie Raymond, aka Mack, and if you don't know me or my story, then you should probably go back and read about my last year. But if you're all caught up, jump in and enjoy!

I haven't left my 'room' aka the crawl space of STAR labs since Ronnie died. I mean, okay, that's not 100 percent true. I've left my room for food and bathroom and stuff like that. Turns out there's a dumpster shoot further along in the vent system that I use to get in and out of STAR. Now, I don't land in a dumpster, that dumpster hasn't been used since the accelerator exploded.

Anyways, back to the story.

It's 6 months later and I'm still a 12 year old girl, alone and lost in the world, too afraid to do anything in fear that I might break down crying...or break something down.

My quakes are linked to my emotions and I'm kinda sorta maybe a little emotionally unstable from everything that happened. I've been trying to keep my quakes in and not have them go off, and I've been pretty successful for the six months up until now. I think it's cause I've been too emotionally drained. But where we pick up the story, my quakes are crazy. 

But, as I've learned from Barry, the longer you suppress your emotion, the bigger the explosion.

While we're on the topic of Barry, he's shut everyone out. Like everyone. He doesn't want to work with anyone, he's The Flash, but solo. Barry actually doesn't know I'm in the walls of STAR labs, and we're just gonna keep that to ourselves, alright?

I can't blame Barry. Or even Caitlin, who left STAR labs to go to Mercury labs. She said everything reminded her of Ronnie. I mean, it was true. This place reminded me of everything I've lost, but I feel like I can't leave, cause I'm still kinda lost myself.

I've shut myself from the world. Quite literally considering the fact that I'm living in the wall. I mean, what do you expect from me? I'm 12 and my brother 'died' once, came back but it wasn't actually him, almost killed himself, exploded, became a superhero, left to save the world, came back, got married and then died again, basically in that order, and this time he's probably not coming back.

And the necklace.

The necklace. Last time he gave it to me, he 'died' and the weight of his death weighed the necklace down. This time he gave it to me and now if feels like the weight of the world is on the necklace, and if I'm not careful, I might get pulled down for good.

The last thing Ronnie told me was "I love you, MacKenzie." 


He's only ever called me by my full name one other time, after our parents died. My full name is for serious occasions and when he told me that, I knew deep down in his heart he meant it. Yea, he's said he loves me before, but it was always in a joking way. In a way, I'm kinda glad he used my full name.

Anyways, I've had nothing to do inside the wall except decorate and explore. I've got lots of pictures up on my main room's wall, pictures with Ronnie or Barry or Cisco or Caitlin, I've burned all the ones with Wells in them though...

But I've explored the vent system so let's talk about that. Like I mentioned before, I found the dumpster shoot and put a mattress at the bottom so I don't break any bones, I call it my shoot. I can get back in that way, it just takes a little longer so I've nailed a few long nails into the side of STAR labs and to the vent window a little ways away from my main room, but I climb up the nails like they're a ladder. I have another room where I keep all my food cause it's above a room in STAR, I don't really know what room, but it's cools off my food room, so I leave it at that. And thank goodness I stole a computer from the cortex or I would be incredibly bored. Okay, yes, I stole the computer, but no one was really using it.


I know all I've been doing is talking a lot, but 6 months is a long time and I'm trying to catch you guys up as quickly as I can.

But now that you're all caught up, and if you're not try and keep up, we can get on with the book!


Yesterday, Barry had dropped some sort of flyer in the cortex and I picked it up when I knew he was gone. It was for something called 'Flash Day', a day where they celebrate all the things the Flash has done for Central City.

I was really debating on weather or not I should go cause of the fact that my powers are out of whack, being linked to my emotions and me not being very emotionally stable.

But,I decided to go anyway.

I'm at the Flash Day celebration, staring at all the red shirts people are wearing and all the banners with lightning bolts on them.

"Wow." I breathe, seeing lots and lots of people, basically all of Central City.

I see Cisco and Joe leaning against a car a little away from me. Don't think they saw me yet though, which is probably a good thing.

By a different parked car, I see Caitlin, and I'm pretty sure Cisco saw her too.

Then, everyone starts to cheer as the mayor walks up to the podium.

"Good morning, Central City." The mayor says. "A year ago, our world changed. Our city became ground zero for...some pretty weird stuff. We got a new breed of criminal: men and women who defied not only our laws, but physics and reason. But we got something else, too. We got, The Flash. Our wounds run deep. And I know many of you are afraid of what threats tomorrow may bring, but the Flash doesn't just protect us, he restores hope where it was lost. That's why I'm honored to present the key to the man who saved Central City: The Flash!"

Everyone cheers as the mayor holds up a key. People look around waiting for the Flash and when he shows up, they cheer again. They cheer, 'Flash'.

When the cheering dies down, the mayor speaks again.

"The doors to Central City will forever be open for you, Flash." The mayor says, handing Barry the key.

Then, people scream.

"Look out!" Joe yells, as something flies through the air and Barry speeds the mayor out of there.

A man in a black jacket walks towards Barry.

"The man who saved Central City, hate to rain on your parade." The man says.

Barry speeds forwards but he's hit and is thrown backwards.

Joe shoots his hun and many cops do the same. The man throws a police car.

My quakes start. Cisco looks at the ground and then all around until his eyes land on me.

Then, Cisco runs and gets a HUGE gun and Joe shoots something at the guy's leg and he grows like 40 times bigger than what he was.

My quakes hit the ground harder.

"Run! Run!" Joe yells at Cisco and Cisco runs in my direction.

When I see him running towards me, I sprint away. Running all the way to the alleyway next to STAR where my ladder of nails are and I climb until I'm in my crawl space.

I don't know how to control my powers, but everyone already knows that. During the six months after Ronnie powers have been out of control, which you already know as well. But they don't just start at random times, they also end at random times too.

This one ended as soon as I got into my crawl space.

But I still passed out. 


Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of season 2! Don't forget to vote and comment. Next chapter up MONDAY.


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