Chapter 45- Rupture

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MacKenzie's POV

"He calls himself Rupture." Harry says. I play with my shoelaces, sitting cross legged on the desk. "Another meta-human under Zoom's control from my Earth."

"Great, so he's bringing more of his friends over." Iris says.

"That's what I told you he would do." Harry says.

"Okay, well, Zoom must've lied to fake-Dante and told him I was the one who killed Reverb, 'cause dude wants me dead." Cisco says. "We got to do something."

"What else do you know about him?" Barry asks.

"He gets his power from that scythe he wields." Harry says.

"Thing's legit too... it almost took half the van with him." Cisco says.

"All right, then that's what we need to do." Barry says. "We need to figure out a way to get it away from him."

"Right. Okay, all right." CIsco says. "I'm sure I can come up with something. I just have to figure out a way to not tell Dante why this psychopath looks exactly like him."

Cisco leaves the cortex and Barry paces.

"You know what you need to do." Harry says to Barry and I look at Barry.

"I need a minute." Barry says.

Iris and I watch him leave.

"Stay here, alright?" Iris says to me. "I'll be right back."


A little later, I'm still sitting on the desk as Wally and Jesse are pulled up on the screen.

"Can we come out now?" Jesse asks.

"No!" Joe and Harry say.

"But Mack--" Wally starts and then he's cut off by Joe turning them off.

"You really should be there with them. It's safer." Joe says, looking at me.

"No." I say. "I can't do anything to help from in there."

The computer chimes.

"Something's blinking over there." Joe says, looking at the computer behind me.

Harry walks over to the computer as I jump down from the desk and start typing.

"From CCPD." Harry says as a location pops up.

"That's Caitlin." Joe says.

"No way." I say.

"What about Caitlin?" Barry asks.

"She sent us a message. Rupture is gonna attack Jitters tonight." Joe says. "We got to move, Barry."

"What are you gonna do, slugger?" Henry asks.

"Having The Flash might be the best way to stop Zoom and all the metas he's sending over." Barry says. "But, look, until we know for sure that setting off the accelerator will work, it's too risky. Not just for me. For the entire city. Countless others that would be affected if the explosion is not contained."

"Yes, but Allen..." Harry says.

"Stop, Wells. Look, I'm sorry. I've made up my mind. Sorry. We're gonna have to figure out how to do this without The Flash." Barry says.


Cisco and I are getting stuff together in our workroom. I pull my hair into a ponytail and put my leather jacket on, even though I probably won't be using my powers.

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