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warning: v political and angry !!
i will not engage in comment wars with bigots !!!
i'll just delete your comment !!!!
have a nice day :-) !!!!!

we are not equal.
i don't care what you say,
what reports you make,
what statistics to try to prove.
if we were equal
i wouldn't feel so ashamed
and scared
every time someone looks at my artwork,
because the topic i chose for my exam was feminism.
and i don't know how they're going to react,
to the pictures i'm painting,
the future i'm trying to create,
in my sketchbook,
where we'd be equal.
it's not that hard of a concept, i don't think.
usually there's a silence as they read,
and look, and then make no comment.
i feel awkward;
this is something i'm so
passionate about,
but no one dares to talk about it.
because they, too, are scared of what people will think
when they just shout
and scream from the top of their lungs,
i want to be equal.
and i will not say please,
because i demand it.
it is not a favour you are doing me,
it is my basic human right
to exist with as much freedom as you.
even i am scared of what they will think,
and yet i believe this with every fibre
and every ounce of my being.
so what does it say
when even the devoted are afraid,
afraid that they will be judged for demanding
to be treated like a human being?

or perhaps in their heads
they don't feel the same as i do.
they call me a nazi, a radical, or just
a hormonal teenage girl,
she's probably on her period.
but here's a concept:
i am allowed to be angry.
i know, i know, people are more willing to listen to you
if you're nice and you're calm and you flatter them,
but by now i'm sick of debating my rights to exist,
because there shouldn't be anything to debate.
the fact you think my beliefs are a phase makes me angry,
and i'm angry that you're not as angry as i am
about all of this.
why don't you care that they treat us like shit?
why do you just fucking accept it?
and i can feel it,
in the pit of my stomach,
nausea and rage and the desire to do something,
to fight this fucking patriarchy,
but i can't because i'm just
one hormonal teenage girl
with an art project
that will remain an art project
because no one dares to talk about it.

but when i express my views to you, i'm trusting you.
and how about you stop telling me to just be quiet,
to stop my shouting, because let me tell you
if there were more of us speaking up,
we wouldn't have to do it so loud.
it's not just a silly little art project
by a hormonal teenage girl,
trying to rebel against society
with her feminist agenda.
it's people's lives, and the small things aren't petty
when they're telling you
you're worth less than someone else.
all i'm trying to get across
through my feeble drawings
is that just like men, women are people.
and that should not be controversial.

(feminist is not a dirty word.
and if you refuse to say it, because you think
it treats one sex like it is worth less than the other,
that it is excluding men, or that it means something bad,
then you are part of the reason that we still need it.
and as long as we still need it, which we do,
we are not equal.)

we are not equal.

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