cold to the core

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i used to be able to let anything go.
just smile and say
no, i don't want to know
about bitterness; life is too short
and i won't stoop so low
as to just pick a fight
because of a thought.

but the new me is scared;
what of, i'm not sure.
i don't like what she feels
or what she stands for,
there's a mask that she wears but
she's cold to the core;
she's not sure what real,
'cause she used to be kind,
but now deep inside her
there's some kind of war.

she used to be summer,
now frost touches her veins,
but an external winter
is partly to blame;
when those around her are icy
that's when the snow queen
awakes from her slumber
and takes up her reign.

she's a spiral of guilt and regret
and mistrust, and words
can't describe just how much
i loathe her. i'm a rose that she's
wilted, but the thorns still survive;
it's in the coldest of storms
that her blood flowers thrive.
for now i just watch her devour
my throne, the one that i built
out of goodness and light,
knowing one day, and soon,
the sun will arise;
i'll siege her stone kingdom
and end this dark night.

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