the last day, prologue: apart

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today, so much has fallen apart
out of my hands, shattering
like glass, like my heart,
like me.
and the scary thing is
(it scares me, honey)
that i don't even feel it.
it pricks my skin, it draws blood,
it leaves a void, a hole,
(where something once was)
but i don't feel a thing.

in the midst of all this,
(chaos, my dear)
the only thing i want to do,
(no, the only thing i
can do)
is sit here
stone cold
and write.
(write about you)
because of course
you're on my mind,

and i want to talk to you about it
(if you feel the same)
but i'm all mixed up
(and i don't know what's real)
these days.

i know, follow your heart, the angel
on my shoulder says,
but how can i,
when the devil has already
broken it?
(you've broken it
and you haven't said a word)

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