Chapter 8

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The gang was soon gathering stuff for a fire as they all sat around. 

Nut's placed a wad up piece of paper in the fire, until Shaun squinted his eyes and saw something on it, asking for it to be immediately taken out. 

Bitzer careful took the near burnt up paper out while Shaun read it. 

"What is it?" Kali asked Shaun, while coming over to look with Jacob. 

Shaun examined the paper closely, seeing it was from the hospital and the Farmer's picture was on it. It also said that he had amnesia. 

This made Shaun, the flock, Bitzer and two human kids realize... 

"That's why he didn't recognize you!" Kali gasped. 

"He must've hit his head hard at some point and lost his memory" Jacob added. 

Shaun soon had a plan, and he always did as he went up to a chalkboard Slip just happened to have here in the junkyard and gathered everyone around. 

"Okay," Shaun began explaining his plan while drawing things out on the chalkboard. "So all we gotta do is find the Farmer, get him back home, he gets his memory back then BAM! Everything goes back to normal!" 

Everyone nodded to Shaun's plan, agreeing with their flock leader. 

"So, any ideas?..." Shaun asked the gang. 

Everyone was silent in thoughts for a few minutes, trying to figure out the perfect idea to help save the Farmer. Nuts thought he had an idea the first few times, but then forgot. 

Kali and Shaun then looked over to the junk pile where Slip was, then back at each other. 

"What are you looking at me for?" the little stray dog asked them.

Kali and Shaun smirked, having found their idea. 

Everyone soon quickly got to work at building Shaun's contraption that would be used to help the Farmer. It was great to see everyone working together as a team. 

Kali was having a bit of a hard time carrying a heavy load. 

"Here, let me help you" Jacob offered, taking a few boxes from Kali and carrying them himself. 

Instead of protesting like she usually did, Kali actually smiled at her brother. "Thanks"

Soon, Shaun's contraption was all ready to go while everyone cheered at their accomplishment. 

"Are you sure this will work?" Jacob seemed a bit uncertain about this. 

"Only one way to find out" Kali said as they started to climb in the odd contraption they had built. 

As they did, Shaun turned back to Kali, looking serious. 

"Kali... I just want you to know that if anything happens, you've always been like a sister to me" the little sheep said to her while placing his hoof on her shoulder.

"Aw, thanks Shaun" Kali came up and hugged the sheep, feeling touched. 

"And!..." this caused for all the sheep to stop and turn to Kali, once hearing her say that. 

"There might still be a way for us to stay out of less danger" the adventure girl continued, before looking down at her crystal. She knew that what she was about to do was risky and might not even work, but it was still worth a try. 

Everyone else looked to each other confused, until Kali's crystal flashed a bright light and everyone had to shield their eyes as the light circled around Shaun. It suddenly stopped and everyone looked in surprise to see what Kali's magic crystal had done to Shaun. 

Kali's Epic Adventure with Shaun the SheepWhere stories live. Discover now