Chapter 7

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The gang followed Slip as she brought them around the back of an alleyway.  

"So what's with this gallivanting around town with the sheep in those dopey disguises" Jacob asked his half sister as they looked out the corner of the alleyway to make sure no one was watching them.  

"Hey, you try stuffing those sheep in cotton clothing of their own wool" Kali spat, glaring a bit up at her older half brother. "What were you doing in that animal jail with Bitzer?"

But just before Jacob could answer...

"Timmy, I have something for you" Shaun told his little cousin, as he got out Timmy's teddy bear and showed it to him. 

"Teddy!" Timmy smiled in joy, clutching his teddy then hugged Shaun. "Oh, thanks, Shaun, you're the best cousin ever!"

Shaun smiled as he hugged his little cousin, and Kali smiled to Shaun. 

Just then...

"This way!" Slip called to them and lead them down the alleyway. 

The group kept following Slip until something caught their eyes, causing them all to stop. 

They all looked up at a billboard and couldn't believe what they were seeing on it... it was the Farmer!

"Look everyone, it's the Farmer! That's our farmer! That's our farmer! Look!" Shaun eagerly pointed out to everyone and the flock cheered in total happiness. 

"Uh, are you sure this is our farmer?" Bitzer asked in uncertainty, noticing how the Farmer looked different on the billboard and it read "Mr X".  

"Mr X?" Jacob read the billboard sign, questioning. "What does that mean?" 

"Maybe like the superheroes" Kali guessed, as the tomboy started doing some poses. 

"Come on!" Slip led the sheep to a secret passageway through the city. 

Shaun, Kali and the flock eagerly followed after the stray dog while Bitzer and Jacob had a look at the billboard one last time before following them. 

Slip led the gang up to a roof and they all began jumping across the rooftops while dancing. 

"Oh, sweetie, darling, Timmy, do be careful" Timmy's mom told her little lamb, worried for him as he went off on his own. 

The sheep and human kids kept dancing across the rooftops until Slip led them down a garbage chute. They all slid down one by one which was pretty fun. 

And after all that fun, they soon made it in front of the hairstyle shop where Shaun's face brightened up once he saw the Farmer inside. 

"We'll let you deal with the Farmer while we try to figure out a way to get home" Jacob told Shaun and the flock while he and Kali left them for a moment, walking up to a telephone booth. 

Jacob put a quarter in, trying to make a call but there was no connection. 

"Oh, well that's just great. My 'half' brother can't even get us a ride in the city" Kali said sarcastically towards Jacob. 

"Hey, I'm trying to help" Jacob told his sister, getting impatient with her attitude. 

"And I never asked for any help!" Kali raised her voice at her half brother, getting angry at him. 

Just then, the half siblings cut their argument short when they saw Shaun get thrown out hairstyle shop by the Farmer himself. This was a huge shock to the siblings. 

The flock began to flee with Slip as Kali and Jacob ran to Shaun's aid. 

"What happened?" Jacob asked the sad little sheep. 

Kali's Epic Adventure with Shaun the SheepWhere stories live. Discover now