Chapter 5

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Meanwhile, Kali, Shaun and the flock had continued their search for the Farmer, but weren't having any luck. 

They even tried searching while on the subway.... never take sheep on a subway. 

It wasn't much help for the sheep's antics either giving them all kinds of trouble in the city, causing for them to be chased by a mob of angry people. They managed to hide away in a alleyway while the mob went on by. 

Kali and Shaun peeked out around the corner to see that the mob was gone, then turned back into the alleyway and the whole flock sighed in relief. 

But the sheep were also very tired that they haven't found the Farmer yet. Kali gave the sheep some water she had saved in her backpack while Shaun looked to his flock. 

"Come on, guys. We can't give up now" the determined little sheep told his flock. 

But the tired sheep just sighed with their heads down, exhausted from their search. Kali then heard all their stomachs growl. 

"We'll stop here and get some food. Once our tummies are full, we'll continue searching" Kali instructed the flock, taking charge as she led them into a fancy restaurant. 

"Hey, guys, look!" Timmy seemed excited about something. 

Once the flock entered the restaurant, they 'oohed' and 'awed' at the sight of so much delicious food. 

"Oh, man" Kali quietly sighed, knowing she was going to have trouble since she hadn't teach the sheep how to behave in a restaurant yet. 

The tomboy even had a bit of trouble herself behaving in fancy restaurants, even though her fashionista friend Cynthia attempted to teach her once. 

A waiter escorted the group over to a free table, took their coats and showed them their seats. 

"Thank you, sir" Shaun nodded to the waiter, even though he couldn't understand the sheep. Only Kali and Jacob could. 

Timmy's mom placed her son underneath the table while the little lamb pouted that he couldn't be up there with the other adults. Nuts had a bit of trouble getting settled in his chair since Shirley was underneath him and she was very round in size. A few of the other guests looked at them oddly while the waiter came by and passed out their menus. 

Twin 1 took a bite out of his menu, eating it. "Mmm. Oui oui, not bad. My compliments to the chef"

The other sheep then all started to try and eat their menus, thinking they were food. 

"Guys, quit it! You're gonna get us caught" Kali whispered sharply to the flock. 

"She's right" Shaun added before just then, the waiter came up to Kali. 

"Miss, may I interest you in today's special, the fine chicken kuzi?" the waiter offered her, causing the sheep to all gasp quietly. 

"My best friend's a chicken" Kali looked to the waiter a bit offensively, who gave her an eyebrow raise in return. 

"I'll take some lamb-chops, please" Nuts pointed out to the waiter what he wanted on his menu, while Kali looked like she was about to flip out. 

"Uh, Nuts? You don't want that, trust me" Kali told the dimwitted sheep.  

"Why?" the dimwitted sheep turned to her, asking. "Is it not specifically FOR lambs?"

"No, Nuts it's..." Kali whispered what it really was in his ear and the dimwitted sheep quickly went wide eyed.  

"You know, I'll just take whatever this is" Nuts pointed out to the waiter another piece of food, which he was unaware also had lamb in it. 

Kali face-palmed in embarrassment, telling the waiter. "Just give him a garden salad, sir"

Kali's Epic Adventure with Shaun the SheepWhere stories live. Discover now