Chapter 2

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Kali's plane soon landed at the airport as she had arrived in England. Kali then got on a double-decker bus that would be heading to Mossy Bottom Farm. As the adventure girl hopped onto the bus, the bus driver lady greeted her with a friendly hello and then smiled to her. Kali couldn't help but cringe, not to be rude but the lady's smile was ugly looking. The eleven-year-old quickly got over it though, unlike the rest of the passengers.  

Kali sat on the second deck of the bus while listing to Shaun and the flock's favorite song "Feels like Summer" on her Ipod. The sheep have always loved that song since they were all just little lambs. The bus driver lady then briefly spoke over the intercom, telling everyone on the bus they had to make a quick stop in the city to pickup some more passengers. Kali looked out the window at all the buildings and other sights while they road through the city. 

The eleven-year-old had her trusty backpack over her shoulders, which seemed to always have everything she needed in it. And her magic crystal, which she kept tucked away in her shirt, only using it for emergency's. Kali then looked out the window again, watching the buildings pass by. Thinking she'd visit Wallace and Gromit, and the chickens again after this, since it had been awhile. 

The bus soon came to a stop at a bus station in the city, as more passengers flooded in. A tall, slender young man with dark brown hair and dark colored eyes that were a mix of blue and green, came up to the second deck and sat across from Kali. She glanced over as he sat down. He wore a dark green short-sleeved shirt, a long pair of blue jeans, and carried a few red paper folders in his hands and other stuff. He looked to be around eighteen years old and had just recently started college for a few months now. 

Kali turned back out the window, thinking of her own thoughts. But then went wide-eyed for a sec, after she heard the young man say to her- 

"You can tell a lot about a girl from her facial expressions". 

Kali slowly turned her head back towards the young man and soon recognized him. 

"Hello, Kali" Jacob smiled to her, seeming calm. 

It was Kali's half-brother Jacob, from her mom's side, who she hadn't seen since she was six. 

"JACOB!? What- where- who- what-" The tomboy started stammering with her words. 

"What are you doing here?!" She demanded, shocked to see her older half-brother on the bus with her.  

"This is where I go to college now" Jacob simply replied with a smile, thinking he was all cool and stuff, etc. "Plus, Mom called me and told me to check up on you" he then added. 

"That backstabbing, no-good-"Kali growled about her mother under her breath before she groaned, telling her older half-brother. "But i'm not a baby anymore, and you've heard about all my daring, dangerous adventures over the years". 

"My dad always says "Ladies will always be the damsels in distress" Jacob simply said, obviously teasing his little half-sister. But it made her feel mocked. 

"Yeah, you always had more of that pinhead's brains... plus pathetic looks" Kali crossed her arms, mentioning of Jacob's father. 

Kali and Jacob never really got along since they rarely saw each other. Jacob's dad abandoned Kali's mother and took Jacob with him while he was still a baby cause he had full custody over him. The only time the two half siblings interacted with each other was back when they properly met when Kali was six. Kali blamed Jacob's father for the whole thing, from cheating on her mother to abandoning her without her baby. 

"So, what do you plan on doing on the farm?" Jacob randomly asked his half-sister, turning his head to look out the window. 

"I don't see how that's any of your business" Kali glared at her half-brother before the bus then came to a stop in front of the Mossy Bottom Farm. 

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