Chapter 3

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"Come on, guys" Shaun led the gang back to the house, thinking this wasn't a problem. But when they came to the door, strangely they found it locked. 

"What the?" Shaun thought. 

Shaun and Kali then came up to the window and looked inside to see that the pigs had taken over the house. Even The Farmer's cat Pidsley was hiding in fear from the pigs. 

Pidsley glued himself up to the window once he saw Shaun and Kali. "Help me!"

"Oi!" Shaun glared, but the pigs closed the windows and shut the curtains, locking them outside. 

"What is it with pigs?" Shaun asked Kali, annoyed. 

But they both turned back around to see that the rest of the sheep were gone. They found them over by the feeding trough. 

"We're hungry" The other sheep pointed into the trough, which was empty. 

"We want food" Timmy whined. 

Kali then took out the strawberries from her bag she picked from earlier and gave them to the flock. 

"We're still hungry" The sheep whined, after they finished eating the strawberries.

Shaun and Kali then went to find a bag of sheep food, but unfortunately it was high up in the loft. 

"Well, you found the food at least" Hazel said. 

"But we can't get up there" Kali replied. 

Shaun then spotted the tractor. "We can't... But this thing can"

"But I don't know how to drive the tractor. I'm eleven" Kali reminded the clever young sheep. 

"Who said you had to" Shaun smirked. 

"Oh no, Shaun, you're crazy!" Kali started freaking out a little, knowing what Shaun was going to do.  

"Thank you" the mischievous sheep took that as a compliment as he climbed into the tractor. 

Shaun soon turned on the engine and put it in drive. But instead of driving forward, he went backwards, crashing through the bushes. When Kali and the other sheep checked to see if he was okay, they were all chased away by the farm bull. Luckily, Shaun and the gang all hid behind the brick-wall where it was safe. 

"Are you OK, Shaun?" Kali asked, rushing over to his aid. 

"Yeah, just a little scratch" Shaun replied, shrugging his shoulders. 

The eleven-year-old and sheep then watched the bull ran right past Mower Mouth's rope, having him get lose, knocking over the chicken coop. And the tractor was driving on its own. 

"What's going on? It's chaos!" Kali realized. The gang then all looked to Shaun.  

"What?" Shaun noticed their staring. 

Back in the Big City~

"I love this city" Jacob said to himself as he had just gotten off the bus, in front of his college campus. He was about to walk in, when he looked back and saw Bitzer running through the city. 

"Bitzer?..." the young college student couldn't believe it. 

Jacob had met Bitzer and the sheep once before with Kali, but that was a long time ago back when they were kids. What was the sheep dog doing here in the city though? He deiced to follow Bitzer on foot, where he soon ended up at the hospital. 

"Bitzer! Wait up! Hey!" Jacob called out, out of breath as he finally caught up to the yellow sheep dog. 

Jacob could also communicate with animals like his family, which was lucky for him since he got it from his mom. 

Kali's Epic Adventure with Shaun the SheepWhere stories live. Discover now