Mila x Male! Reader

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A/N: I have a soft spot for all powerful dragon deities okay. I love how pretty her design is. And her wing hair... Give it up for Naga's right hand woman, Mila!

The earth mother sat on her throne, her mere presence enough to make her followers sing praises and worship her. Her short tempered brother thought that ruling through power was the best way for humanity to grow yet her people have lived happily and peacefully. Sure they have grown a tad... hedonistic considering she provided everything they needed yet she rather have this than forcing them to change into a barbaric way of life where battle is all they will know. What does her brother know anyways, he was always quick to result to violence where Mila would try to reason her way through problems.

Her power brought life to a once bare land and her people love her for continuously providing them with bountiful lands while Duma's lust for power corrupted those it touched, he gave them what power they seek but in return he took from them their humanity leaving them as nothing more than just puppets for him to use. She was angered with her brother for what he has done but still she could not kill him, even after all he's done she still loved him. Ever since Naga banished them to Valentia her big brother did almost nothing but stew in his hatred towards their previous leader.

With centuries passing by the divine dragon could feel her power diminish, she took on a human like body long ago to prevent herself from becoming insane due to her power and the humans seemed to worship her more for it, singing praise about how she could do the impossible. Surprisingly her older brother kept his word about not to step foot on her lands, and not a word was heard from Duma or his people other than the whispers shared between some of her priestess' for years. Not a word was heard directly by her until recently that is.

A man had made his way into her temple ignoring the women trying to impede his way towards their deity, from his attire one would assume he was naught but a traveler yet the look in his eyes was enough for Mila to tell this man was from Rigel, not a simple commoner.One of Duma's people.

"What brings you to my temple, child of Duma?" She fixated her suspicious glare straight at the man who didn't so much as flinch at her tone, clearly brother dear didn't teach his people how to show proper respect. What good is ruling with an iron fist if your subjects don't know how to kneel before their superiors.

"A message. I have come to warn you on behalf of my people and possibly ask for your assistance." The man spoke steadily not a hint of fear in his voice.

"And what does my brother wish to warn me about? If I remember correctly our last encounter was on a battlefield." Resting her chin atop her hand she gazed at the human man curiously.

"The message isn't from Duma, yet it does involve him somewhat. Word around Rigel is that Duma has been acting strangely, I came to inquire about it from you since you should be the one that knows him best." Ah so her dear brother was feeling it too? Or is it something else? It has been centuries so she shouldn't be surprised yet the idea that her brother was loosing his mind was heartbreaking to her.

"Oh. It could be the madness that takes hold off all dragons eventually. We take a human like form to delay it but even if it takes centuries it's inevitable. Was that all you wished to tell me about?" It's sad but for a messenger to venture so far just to inform her of something her brother already knows she's aware of there must be more to this than a mere visit.

The man seem to hesitate, doubt clouded his judgement as he thought the options over in his mind. Coming to a decision before Mila demanded that he leaves her chamber he spoke with the same confidence and strength found only in Rigelians.

"I'm not of much importance back in Rigel, I serve in King Rudolf's palace and when needed I also act as messenger. But I was actually not sent here to inform you of Duma's state of mind, that was merely my excuse. I came here to warn you. I overheard some soldiers talking about an attack they had been planing, it seems they plan to invade Zofia, I don't know why or when but since you are the guardian deity of Zofia I thought you should know."

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