Subaki x reader

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The time has finally arrived for the carefully planed heist on a rather wealthy town near the Capital. I had planned this with a few other thiefs who needed some more cash in their pockets, yet they only agreed to do this if they could keep everything the took, so if I wanted to make some good profit I had to go big and alone. The sneaky bastards would take my winnings if I allowed them to help. I've been doing this sort of thing for about five years now and I survived by depending on nobody, that will only get you killed in the long run after all. The few outlaws that had agreed to help me in this mission had been hidden out of sight and monitoring the town guardsmen and their schedules trying to find the perfect moment to strike. Luckily for its wealth its a town with a low crime rate so they didn't have as many guards during the night or early morning so if needed we could probably take some of them on if sighted. The attack was to be done at nighttime around 1:00 am when the guards would switch with others and rest we had a solid thirty minutes to take what we needed and leave without being spoted yet apparantly we forgot to take into account one tiny detail. The youngest princess of Hoshido, Princess Sakura, was visiting with her reatainers like always dutifully alongside her. Through out the middle of the heist I failed hear footsteps approaching my direction until it was too late to pass of as a simple civilian.

"Who goes there?" A familiar male voice called out in the night. Frozen in shock I took a second to register the familiarity of the voice before snapping out of my stupor.
Lifting up the hood of my cloak to conceal as much of my face as possible I looked around for any posible exits. Cursing I realized the only accessible exit was the direction the voice was comming from and I really didn't want to get caught. Not after everything I went through.
"Whoever you are turn around and reveal yourself. Your 'friends' have left and there is nowhere to run. If you surrender now you wont be hurt." So they turned tail did they?I cant really blame them, if it meant saving myself I would have done the same. But right now there was no denying who it was, I can recognize that voice anywhere no matter how many years pass.
Turning around to face the man I tried to suppress my shock at how much he has changed. His once short red hair was now long red locks tied in a perfect looking ponytail and he was much taller since the last time we met. He looked...perfect.Too perfect to be real even.
"So you became the fated retainer of Princess Sakura? Im not really surprised, your parents always wanted you to be the best of the best. But for someone so 'perfect' you seem to have bad memory. Or am I not important enough to remember?" I asked cockily. If I can catch him of guard of at least distract him long enough I can make a run for it.
"Wait, (Y/N)? Is that really you? What happened to make you a-" Subaki was cut off by me before he could finish.
"A criminal? Come on you can say it. Subaki, we were friends but your parents had to get rid of me for 'distracting' you. After a while I had to live on the streets and do some...unsavory things to survive. It was painful and lonely but I survived and thats what mattered. I'm just your common street rat now." Im not sure its working but it seems to be getting a reaction off of him. The proclamation of what led me to this life seemed to shock him, sadden him even.
"I may not remember my past well but I remember our friendship, (Y/N), listen to me. Give up on this life of crime and come back with us. We're friends are we not. Let us-no, let me help you. You mean so much to me." Subaki said sadly. I'm actually shocked but we aren't friends. Not anymore.
"We aren't friends anymore, why on earth would somebody as perfect as you wish to befriend somebody as filthy as me? For pity? Because if it is i don't want it." I really don't want to decline yet I cant accept his offer. Its too good to be true, its probably a trap to send me to prison.
"Don't call yourself a street rat or filthy (Y/N). We are friends and no amount of time spent apart will change that." Subaki said with a frown. He truly seemed upset yet his words only angered me.
"If you're my friend where were you when I was starving to death. Where were you when I would spend nights alone in the rain with nothing but a thin blanket and my tattered clothing to protect myself from the cold. Where were you when... I g-got at-attacked and robbed of what little cash I had left." Tears had begun to flow from my eyes from the memories that resurfaced. He was never there, I would call for him to save me from that hell yet he never came. He was too busy becoming the perfect man his parents always expected him to be.
This wasn't part of my plan but I didn't care. He should know what happened to me because his ignorant parents, I used to work for them and lived with them as a servant after my mother died yet now I don't have anywhere to go back to. In my crying mess I failed to hear Subaki draw closer. I looked up when I felt a pair of strong arms hug me tightly. While one arm was holding me tight to his chest the other was raised to lower my hood and calmingly stroke my dirty (H/C).
"I may have not been there before but I'm here now. Nothing my parents say or do will stop me from being close to you now, (Y/N)." He said softly while moving my bangs out of the way and kneeling down to plant a small kiss on my forehead.
We stood there in silence for a few minutes before I finally calmed down and let out a snort of laughter.
"It's funny. I used to be in love with this cute brat who loved to get on my nerves until I was thrown to the streets."
"And what happened?" Subaki asked quietly while still stroking my hair.
"He grew up and I believe I still love him, it wasn't his fault his parents suck. But I wish to know, does he feel the same for me too?"
"I always did, (Y/N). After all darling, you're the very picture of perfection. No matter what happens or how long we spend apart I will always love you." He whispered affectionately before pulling away and taking my hand in his. "Now lets go before the guards actually do find you and take you away." Leading the way back to were he came from and towards the building Princess Sakura and her other retainer where staying for the night.

A/N: So what do you think? I don't know why I wrote this. Honestly he's not even my favorite character in Fates. That spot belongs to Niles, but anyways hope you all enjoyed.

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