Effie x male!reader

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The war has finally ended. Norh has triumphed but our King, although ruthless and cruel, was one of the many unfortunate deaths. In his place though the crown prince of Norh, Xander, was to be coronated as soon as things calmed down. And after the coronation the new king would choose a wife to rule with.
~ 2 weeks after the war ended~
I was tasked to accompany Princess Elise and her retainers to help with the sick or wounded people of Norh, along with some other knights and healers. The war affected everybody greatly and even the innocent villagers weren't safe. At that time nobody was and even now, nobody is. At any time some bandit could attack the princess in fear that Xander will turn out like his heartless father. Im supposed to escort the Princess, to keep an eye out in case anything seems odd, but I have found myself...distracted. You see Princess Elise has two retainers: Arthur, a blond enthusiastic man with incredible bad luck and love for justice and then theres Effie, she too is blond but if I had to choose the quality that stands out the most I would say, strong. I have seen the woman charge into battle alone and win. The pink armored knight had intrigued me since the day we had to help Arthur, who had fallen down a ravine and got struck by lightning. That was the first time we spoke and slowly became good friends. We helped each other in battles during the war and thankfully still do.
We had just arrived at our destination, many people of all ages were weak and wounded, their wounds wrapped up sloppily in gauze. It was a pitiful sight but they were alive at least. As soon as Elise noticed we arrived she started giving out orders to the healers and making the rest help distribute supplies to the wounded and sick Norhians.
We were there for most of the day seeing as there were a lot of people in desperate need for help. During my time helping I got to spend time with Effie as well as the Princess, Arthur was patrolling around making sure everybody had what they needed. Just seeing the pink knight smile at her liege's kindness was enough to make my heart race and my face to heat up. I have it bad for her and I know it but there is nothing I can do, she most likely loves someone else. Sighing sadly while spacing off, not really paying attention to the current one sided conversation Elise was having, I try to look anywhere but at Effie. I could feel her green eyes staring at me as she began talking to Elise but after a few minutes she excused herself.
"I'm sorry Lady Elise, if you can excuse me and (Y/N) for a moment. I need to speak with him." Looking at her confused I wait for Elise to give us the go ahead.
"No problem Efffie, just come back soon okay." Elise said happily as she continued to work on one of the wounded. Thankfully the number was slowly but surely going down so we might be finished by nightfall.
Standing up from my seat in front of the princess I follow the knight outside. It was oddly empty but I thought nothing of it as Effie began to speak.
"Is something wrong? I would have asked this before but I didn't want to worry Elise. You seem lost in thought." Effie asks worriedly. She always tries to help her friends, another trait of her's that I love yet if only I was brave enough to tell her the true extent of my feelings.
"I'm fine, don't worry its nothing serious." I tried to assure her yet she didn't seem convinced.
She was about to voice her concern once more when Elise's voice was heard.
"Arthur! Effie! Help!" At the moment Elise had screamed Effie already had her lance at hand and was running back inside.
Upon entry we could see some bandits with live hostages behind them. Elise was one of them. The only thing stoping Effie from charging in and murdering all of them was that one of them, a mercenary by the looks of it, was holding a sword right next to Elise's neck. Ready to end her life if they threatened his own. There weren't many enemies, mostly outlaws, two dark mages and the swordsman. Easy targets yet the threat to end Elise's life was to powerful.
"What do you scum think your doing! Unhand princess Elise this instant or prepare to die." Effie warned the outlaws yet they remained unfazed. Effie looks over to me and says quietly "Go, I'll keep them distracted. take out the guy holding Elise and leave the rest to me."
From the other side of the room you could see Arthur nervously looking from the outlaws to Effie. He seemed conflicted on what to do and I cant blame him. The life of his master is at stake and his teammate is intentionally provoking the enemy.
"Hey boss, ain't this the sister of the little prince who took in our little street rat?" One of the outlaws asked the sword wielder who smiled menacingly. Are they talking about Niles? These must be the guys who tried to attack the castle all those years ago.
"Why I think it is. Should we remind him what happens to those who betray us? Or should we take her and sell her off? I bet she would fetch a great price." The disgusting man suggested before chuckling, the tip of the sword was beginning put more pressure making Elise cry in fear.
"If your talking about Niles, he didn't betray you. He was abandoned by you and left at the mercy of the prince of Norh. He was ready to die that day yet you dare say he betrayed you. You make me sick. Why do you wish to make him and everybody suffer?!"
This was my chance. As the outlaws focus was centered on Effie, I snuck aways. I had to act fast, Effie trusts me with the life of the princess of Norh. If I mess up hundreds if not thousands will suffer for it.
Going around the building I had to make sure I moved fast but silently. Im not one of those Hoshidan ninjas but at least I wasn't giving away my position like a fool. The back entrance was open, no doubt thats where the outlaws came through and when I entered once more. I was glad to see they were still focused on Effie. She didn't even look in my direction but no doubt she knew I was there.
"Whatever you're going to do, do it to me. But don't dare touch Elise!" Effie warned.
Laughing the swordsman looked at her with amusement.
"Oh and what are you going to do girly, if I don't know gauge her eye out or cut off he pretty little fingers? What if I let my boys here have their way with the little thing while you are forced to watch?" He threatened yet even in his amused tone of voice you could tell exactly what he meant. 'Don't try anything or I will make it happen.'
Elise was crying by now and hard. The tear wouldn't and couldn't stop, Arthur had seen me and luckily understood and said nothing, he just waited for me to do what I had to do. The leader of the outlaws was closest to the door so thankfully none of his goons saw me, taking out a dagger strapped to my belt I get closer to the merc.
I quickly grab hod of the arm holding his sword and slice his neck. The moment his sword is no longer near Elise, Effie and Arthur just begin to massacre every last one of them. I make sure to keep Elise out of harms way but being armed with the one dagger I used earlier doesn't offer protection against arrows or spells. One of the outlaws had managed to shoot two arrows at me before he got killed by Effie, one arrow hit my thigh while the other hit my chest. The pain was horrible. My body grew cold as the warm blood left, my vision was blurry and the voice of Elise, Arthur and Effie sounded to far. As my vision faded to black I felt the peaceful feeling only a healing staff's power provides.

I awoke two days later, in the castles infirmary. Felicia was making sure my bandages didn't need to be replaces yet when I awoke confused at my surroundings. After she explained to me what happened I asked if she could get me something to drink. After she left not a minute later came the pink knight barging in. She seemed stressed and tired, when she noticed I was awake a smile that made my heart beat just a little faster decorated her features.
"Thank the gods your awake. I- We were all worried sick, that arrow barely missed your heart. I not for Elise's quick healing you wouldn't have survived." Effie sat down next to the bed the infirmary provided for patients.
"At least most of the people there were healers. Are you okay though? Were you hurt?" I asked her while taking her hand in mine.
"Why would it matter if I was hurt, my life comes second to everybody else." Effie stated with no hesitation, she didn't move her hand away however but her answer shocked me.
"How can you say that? I would care if you died I couldn't stand the thought of you not being in my life, let alone die." I exclaimed shocked only a second later to take in exactly what I just said. I felt my face heat up before I took in a deep breath and said what had to be said from the beginning.
"Look Effie, your very...dear to me. I have liked you for a while now and after what happened a few days ago I know I cant stay silent forever. Effie, I'm in love with you. And you don't even have to return my feelings, I just wanted to tell you. I bet you like somebody already and me telling you this will change nothing but-"
I was cut off by the feeling of soft lips pressing against my own. It was nothing but an innocent peck and it lasted no more than 2 seconds but damn was it wonderful. My face was most likely red by how hot it felt at the moment.
"You talk too much (Y/N). Besides who told you I didn't like you?" Effie asked with a blush of her own making its way apparent on her face.
"No-nobody I just thought that you wouldn't like somebody like me. Somebody so-" Cutting me off again she adds.
"Brave, selfless, charming? Your perfect even if your not a fighter. Thats why I'm the knight after all. Just stand behind me and I'll protect you." She joked lightly tightening her grip on my hand just barely, enough so it wasn't too painful, just barely.
"I can fight too. And I would prefer if I stood by you instead of behind."
"I wouldn't have it any other way." She said before leaning in for another kiss, this one I anticipated and returned more than happily.

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