Shigure x Reader

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The crowd surrounding me was loud and annoying as they slowly made their way to their seats. The show hadn't even started and already I could hear them talk about the supposed talented singer. More specifically the talented singer they had to replace because the original got sick, they were clearly angry with the fact that they wouldn't get to listen to the woman they paid to hear. I could honestly care less, I just want to have a good time and listen to some soothing music but these people were giving me a headache. Letting out a tired sigh I lean back on my seat and wait for the replacement singer to make their way on stage. I didn't have to wait long and thankfully the people around me quieted down. Looking at the stage below I felt my breath catch and my gaze refused to look at anything or anyone else other than the person on stage.

He wore a dark purple outfit with gold details. He had incredible blue hair and from this far away what looked like amber or brown eyes. Not only was he attractive, he was a guy. Something not often seen in the entertainment industry since people, mostly men, prefer to pay to see women sing or dance. So this man was also brave since guys who did these jobs are often harassed or even attacked . Even if all I knew about him was this I still felt a sort of attraction towards him which is absurd considering I don't truly know him. Mesmerized I watched him step towards the center of the stage, I did my best to ignore the whispers around me and focused on the singer. He didn't seem to look at anybody in particular only starring straight ahead as he took in a breath and began his song.

"You are the ocean's gray waves, destined to seek
Life beyond the shore just out of reach
Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time
The path is yours to climb ~"

The song and his voice were both beautiful and the people around me had quieted down their whispers. Clearly this man knew what he was doing and the audience seemed content...for now at least. I just hope he doesn't mess up and anger them, I already have enough of a headache thanks to them but the singers song seemed to soothe it enough that I almost forgot I even had one to begin with.

As the song went on the people around me seem to relax further and enjoy the show fully, despite their earlier complaints. This man was truly gifted and now everyone was noticing, even some group of ladies slightly ahead of me seemed mesmerized by the mysterious blue haired man. Their whispers were low enough that they didn't bother anyone but I noticed it anyways. The way they were staring at him made me scrunch up my nose in disgust. Looking at him like he was a piece of meat, did these women have no shame.

...I'm one to talk. I was looking at him the same way just a few seconds ago too. It's just he's so graceful looking and his voice is so smooth. And the outfit he wore made him appear as if he came from another world with how mysterious it made him look. I hope I can get to see him after the show ends, maybe even speak to him. Damn, I really am no better than those other women.

When the singer finished his performance the people around me all clapped and cheered, clearly awed by his talent but I focused more in making my way through the sea of people in order to get outside. The singer had most likely left already but I still wanted to see if I could spot him. It is worth a shot, besides it's better I warn him of the creepy ladies waiting to eat him alive around here. But better me than them, right? Right.

Finally making my way outside the theater I let out a sigh. It's quite difficult to get out of there when people are being jerks and not moving. It took me like three whole minutes to get out and the singer probably left by now so my journey outside was most likely in vain. Opting to head home since going back in the theater would just be a waste of time I go through my usual short cut. It's an alleyway that cuts my walking time by half if I take it but I risk the chance of getting attacked. I already felt tired and the walk home would be long if I didn't take the shortcut but I much rather play it safe than be sorry later. Walking down the eerily empty streets I try to distract myself from my rising anxiety. It was so quiet and my mind was probably playing tricks on me because I swear I heard faint footsteps but looking around proved to be useless, I was completely alone. 

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